St. Mary High School, Class of '60

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Reunion 2005 ] Classmates ] Memory Lane ] Reunion 2001 ] Alumni Assoc. ]

Thome Timoszyk Totcky Trimboli Valleau
Vanderhagen VanHulle Variot Wicker Zelenka

Betty Thome Landini                          

I am employed at General Medicine as an Executive Assistant/Medical Staff Assistant. I work in the areas of recruiting, marketing, and credentialing.

I have been singing both at church and the Plymouth Community Chorus (130-voice chorus) for many years. I sing in the Adult Choir, play guitar and sing in the Guitar Group, Cantor, and ring hand bells with the Handbell-choir. I work-out 4 times or more a week, and am an avid "walker" and "gardener".

We have a place at Crystal Mountain Resort, which is a rental property. We go there several times a year. We also travel to Farmington, Connecticut and Arlington, VA several times a year where our sons live with their families and our wonderful grandchildren). We have 4 grand children (3 boys and 1 girl): Ages 7, 5, 4, and 3.

We have travelled to Europe 3 times (Italy, Germany & Austria, Ireland & England) and will go to Spain this June. All the trips were with my church choir. We sang and rang hand bells in churches throughout those countries. Skip & I will celebrate our 38th anniversary February 2002.


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Of course, I could go into more detail, but I won’t.

Tom Timoszyk                                           

Janet Totcky Rivette                      

     All is well here in California.  Our son Scott was married in Aug and they are expecting our first grandchild in the summer.  Of course, we are thrilled.  I know it is old hat to most of you who already have many grandchildren, but it is our first and we are ecstatic!
     Kathleen O'Leary, the next time you go to Santa Monica, stop in to see us.. Upland is right on your way.  You will pass right by us.   Would love to see you!  As a matter of fact, the invitation goes out to all of you, if you are ever in California, give us a call so we can get together.  We have plenty of room, also.
     This e-mail is a great way to keep in touch.  Come on everybody, get on the bandwagon!


1963 - Graduated from Nursing School and later went back to get my Bachelor’s Degree



Married to Patrick Rivette in 1964 and moved to Ortonville, MI. Moved to Calif. in 1967. Pat taught for 32 years, became a CFO for a company, was into mortgage real estate and is now retired. I am still happily married to him after 37 years.

One son – Scott. Not yet married - no grand children. Scott has been in Professional Baseball for the past 6 years. Made it as far as AAA. Decided not to return this year. He was All American at Long Beach State. Scott is a joy!

Career — Management of five convalescent hospitals for 30 years, loved my job, but retired in 1998.


Hobbies — Traveling in our RV and traveling not in our RV, playing bridge, hiking, recumbent biking and the computer.


Pets — one dog Barney.

Connie Trimboli Camillo                  

August 28, 2005

Happy 45th to the Class of ‘60

Do you remember in your youth, figuring out how old you would be in the millennium? Those of us who did couldn't believe we'd be in our late 50's. That's how old our parents were! Well we made it, and then some, by the grace of God.

John and I continue to enjoy retirement. I retired from Garden City Schools and John from Ford Mo Co. in 1998.

Our three children, Alaina, Lisa, and Johnny all live in the area so we get to visit often. They are all married and we have three great in-laws. We have five grandsons ranging in age from four to 17 years. They give us much joy.

As I'm writing this it all seems so boring, but in actuality it is anything but. We have a great life with many blessings. We have our health which allows us to travel, we have good friends to socialize with and we spend some time helping out at our parish, St. Raphael's.

John loves to golf and I love to cook, and we've been known to go to the casino for a little excitement.

In the winter, John and I join Carol and Bill Oliphant in Florida where we have fun visiting with some of our classmates, the Swambas, the Ruthigs, Mary Charboneau and Al O'Brien.

In October, we will be spending three weeks in Southern Italy with the Ruthigs and we are really looking forward to that.

Our best wishes to all on our 45th,

2001 Update

John and I continue to enjoy our retirement, and our 5 grandsons, (2 to 15 years), keep us busy with all their sporting activities.  We don't have much time to get into trouble. Our three children now range in age from 33 to 40 years of age.  An age we thought was way beyond our limit when we attended high school together.  Only our parents were that old.

I hope all is well with you and yours.  If you get a chance drop us a note.  We'd love to hear from you.


John and I have been retired for two years; John from Fords and I from Garden

City Schools. We have four grandsons and a new grandchild due in August. We

love the freedom retirement affords us and we love to travel. John golfs

every chance he gets. I've tried, but can't get too excited about it. I'd

rather be home cooking, reading or on the Internet. Summers find us at our

little place in the thumb where, hopefully this season, we'll have more water

than beach. Our hope for the future is continued good health.

Karen Valleau Fallarme

Sandy Vanderhagen LaBarbera          

Hi Everyone!

Thought we would be able to attend this reunion; however, very busy with real estate now and cannot get away!  I was really looking forward to this weekend.  All five of us Vanderhagen girls will be with my mom on her day and I didn't want to miss this either.

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My life is very interesting and just keeps getting better!  Moved to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida in 1963 with my children's father and both of our children were born there.  Laura Marie born in 1964 married Doug Govan in 1989 and they are both Electrical Engineers with NASA.  Boy, do they have an interesting career!  When we all get together, their conversations are far above my comprehension!  Laura and Doug live in Merritt Island, Florida - Cape Canaveral.  Laura is presently in Washington DC working with a team from NASA and they are working with the Senate for the NASA budget!  Wow! My son, Ronald James was born in 1967 and he is a top Mortgage Banker in Boca Raton, Florida and he is engaged to a wonderful, beautiful woman, Benedetta and they will be married in December of this year.  Benedetta has 2 beautiful girls, 5 and 6 years old.  I am so excited...I will be a grandmother...finally!  Janet already has 5 grandchildren!  Doug is the best son-in-law and Benedetta will be the best daughter-in-law anyone could wish for!

I married Steven LaBarbera on July 2, 1983 and his two sons are my two sons. I always wanted 4 children!  Jason born in 1974 lives with us here in Wake Forest, NC and he works for a large equipment rental company and is going extremely well.  Steven has a Harley motorcycle and Jason has a Honda and they enjoy riding very much.  Sometimes, I go with them.  I might even get one next year!   Jeremy born in 1980 still lives in Florida and is head mechanic in a body shop.  He always fooled around with cars.  We knew he would make his career with the automobile industry.  We have two dogs and they are part of our lives.  Molly, a bichon and Jake long haired lab and part setter.  I walk with them every morning 2-4 miles and love it!  Just because all of your children grow up doesn't mean you stop being a mother!! Steven and I moved to Raleigh, NC in 1997 because Steven had a great job offer as VP of Operations for a commercial drywall company. 

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Our lives are very full and we are blessed.  Thank you God.  God bless everyone at St. Mary's and everyone have a great time.  I will be thinking about all of you.

Joe VanHulle                                     

Bill Variot

Nancy Wicker Chwalik                  

Tom Chwalik

2005 Update

Nancy has settled into retirement and has replaced teaching with volunteering at St. Fabian's Church and the library. After 35 years in Farmington Hills she has moved to a condo in Northville which is closer to the airport -- closer to the airport because son Bob makes regular visits as he travels around the country for his job.

Speaking of travel her interesting trips were a cruise through the waterways of Belgium and the Netherlands, a trip to London and Paris with sister Judy -- especially enjoyed Monet's gardens -- and a trip to Buenos Aires for Bob and Paula's wedding. Ask her about the Mardi Gras theme at the wedding . . . maybe she will find the box with her pictures. Spanish classes start this fall.

Bob and Paula live and work in New York City. Anybody need a suggestion for a good play? Bill and Julie are teachers in Pennsylvania. Andrew started kindergarten this fall. Frequent drives to Columbus area to visit Barbara, Bret and John are going to become more complicated since they are moving to China. 

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Tom passed away on September 23, 2002.

2001 Update

Nancy (Wicker) Chwalik lives in Farmington Hills, Michigan where she and Tom raised three children and now enjoys retirement. Tom passed away on September 23, 2002.

Nancy completed her formal education at Eastern Michigan University with a Masters in Education after receiving a degree in Nursing. She worked for the Wayne/Westland School District for twenty-seven years – bought three years and retired in 1999. Nancy taught grade school in five different schools and enjoyed working/teaching St. Mary’s classmates children and then their children.

Tom completed his formal education at Eastern Michigan University with an MBA in Management Science. He worked for Ford Motor Company for thirty-one years in various divisions and on assignments that took him and his family to Europe, South America and the Middle East. Tom completed his career with Ford as Manufacturing Manager and was most recently responsible for the roll out of Ford’s Manufacturing Strategy worldwide.

Number one son, Robert earned an MBA from the University of Michigan along with degrees in Chemistry from Albion College and a Chemical Engineering Degree from Wayne State. He works for PRTM a consulting firm located in Boston, Massachusetts. Bob lives in Grosse Ile and has two children.

Number two son, William earned his Masters Degree from Clarion University located in upper Pennsylvania where he played basketball on scholarship. He is married, has one child and he and his wife teach school in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Barbara was married this past summer to Bret Fox a graduate of Akron University. She met Bret while attending the college of Mount Saint Joseph in Cincinnati, Ohio. They live outside of Columbus, Ohio and she is now working and attending Dominican University where she plans a "near future" graduation.

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As you can tell, the family is doing fine and we are looking forward to retirement and all the freedom that those years bring.

Joe Zelenka