St. Mary High School, Class of '60

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Reunion 2005 ] Classmates ] Memory Lane ] Reunion 2001 ] Alumni Assoc. ]

Pelack Piestrak Quinn Ruthig B Sampica D Sampica Selwa
Seymour Shaffran Sienko Simonds Stack Styers Swamba
Barb Pelack Lademan
Dominic Piestrak

2005 Update

Dominic is still active in the real estate development business. Both his daughter and his son work in his business. He has three grandchildren. He splits his time between his homes in the Buffalo area and the Tampa area. He manages to play golf about every other day and shot an 82 the Grand Traverse Bear this past summer. 

We tracked down Dominic again by Googling his name and following the track of several articles about an innovative development he envisions in Cheektowaga, NY. It is a new way to build a new neighborhood the old way -- kind of like Wayne used to be.

2001 Update

Dominic is a real estate developer who operates his own business, DPS Southwestern Corp., in the Buffalo, NY area. He attended Syracuse University where he played defensive tackle. He graduated in 1969 with a degree in philosophy. He has been married for 35 years and they have two children. After undergoing a quadruple bypass, he turned day-to-day business operations to his daughter, Susan. He spends part of his freed-up time on long weekend jaunts to his Florida condo for golf.

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Kay Quinn
Gary Ruthig


2005 update

I'm not sure what to relate but here goes. Rita and I were married in 1963 and have three now grown children, David, Beth and Bryan. We have six grandchildren and a new great grandchild due in Jan. 06. Rita retired from Providence Hospital in '02 after 20 years and I retired from Ford Motor also in May '02 after 38 ½ years. We moved to Naples FL in Aug. '02. Two of the three kids are now in FL., one in Palm Harbor near Tampa and the other is here in Naples. As some of you know I was diagnosed with kidney cancer in July '04. 1 had radiation Aug. and surgery in Sept. that same year. I am in remission and feeling great, working out and playing golf and having fun with Rita and family. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion.


Prior update

Gary and Rita have retired and moved to Naples, Florida. Gary has been dealing with cancer and reports that as of June, 2005 it is still in remission.

Hello class of ‘60, We are Gary & Rita Ruthig. We were married 37 ½ years ago at St Mary ‘s Wayne. We now live in Highland, MI. We have three children - David, Beth and Bryan - and six grandchildren - Jessica, Brittany and Jordan Trull; Garrett and Gunner Ruthig; and Madison Ruthig.

      I have been working at Ford Livonia Transmission for 37 years. I’m a tool & diemaker and have been a Safety Training Coordinator with the UAW for the last 14 yrs. I plan on retiring within the next year

Rita is an RN and Certified Massage Therapist. Rita has left the hospital but still does massage therapy.

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      I played hockey until last year, but I am still playing softball. Together we motor home, play golf and have been taking ballroom dancing lessons. We travel to Florida at least once a year to Ft. Meyers Beach. We also have property on the Muskegon river in Paris, that‘s Michigan not France.



Gary & Rita

Bev Sampica Madsen
Bev and Hugo have retired and moved to Acme, MI which is just outside of Traverse City.  Their home is located on a golf course at the Grand Traverse Resort.
Dave Sampica

Dave  called in mid-2003 to say that after 29 years he is retiring from 3M in Minnesota. Prior to 3M he worked for 12 years at Ford. In retirement he will be moving to  his 12 acre property that is located 80 miles south of Eugene, Oregon. He has 6 children. 

Mike Selwa

2005 update

I will not be attending the reunion this year but I am enclosing a check to support the class events. Yes, I believe that I have a life and a brief description follows: 

After high school I joined the U.S. Army and spent a few years in the Caribbean. I moved to California in January of 1964 and worked in the Computer environments of several banks and insurance companies. In August of 2003 my job was off-shored to India and I was transferred into another area but after a couple months of fighting traffic (1-1/2 hours to go 33 miles) twice a day I decided to hang it up in December 2003. I'm getting along so complaining won't do a bit of good. If worse come to worse I may go back to work. 

My family consists of an ex-wife (divorced in 1995), a married son (37 years old), an unmarried daughter (34 years old), another unmarried son (29 years old) and an unmarried daughter (24 years old). I also have a grandson who is 13 years old. My oldest son and I own a house up in the mountains and we go up there to get away from the city. It snows in the wintertime but I really prefer the warmer weather in the city. My sister Mary owns my parents' home on Glenwood Rd in Wayne and I have several siblings within 30 miles of Wayne. I enjoy visiting although I only get there every couple of years. There are a lot of changes in the city but a lot of things remain the same. 

As for hobbies, I try to exercise several times a week and I enjoy target shooting and going to the beaches and parks with my metal detectors - it is an interesting hobby.

Best wishes to all.

Prior update

Bill & Diane Lubaway met Mike at Redondo Beach Pier and had dinner overlooking the ocean. We caught up on old times and the intervening years. 

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After graduation in June 1960, I joined the Army in mid-August. After the normal basic and advanced training I was stationed in Puerto Rico for a couple of years. In July of 1963 I was discharged from the Army and went back to Wayne. I worked in Detroit until December of 1963 and moved to California in January of 1964. I was used to the warm Caribbean weather and didn’t want to put up with the cold winters. California was not ideal but it beat Michigan as to the wintertime.

I have lived in the Los Angeles area all of the time. I started working for a major bank in June of 1964 and got into Data Processing in June of 1966. I retired from Wells Fargo Bank in 1996 and have been doing computer contracting since then.

In 1967 I got married and went through a divorce in 1995. I have two sons and two daughters and one grandson. My oldest son is a Human Resources recruiter for Kaiser Permanente (HMO); the oldest daughter is an operations officer for a California bank. The younger son has been working several different jobs but has not settled down into any type of career position. My youngest daughter is a sophomore at Arizona State University. After she finishes her schooling I will think more seriously about my future (retirement, keep working, or whatever).

I do some occasional walking by the beach, but don’t do it as much as I should. I read a little bit here and there and watch some television (maybe 12 hours per week, on the average). My oldest son and I bought a place in the mountains three years ago and we (either together or separately) go up there and get away from the city life. A lot of pine trees, deer, birds, squirrels and bear and mountain lions (I haven’t seen those last two yet.) Peace and quiet at last. Yes, it snows in the winter. Overall I try to keep in decent physical condition but maintain a little bit of a gut.

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Lastly, God has been good to me and I thank him for his blessings.

Kate Seymour Rosevear
It has been wonderful to hear from so many of you this Christmas season! I thank whoever started this 
letter for getting us all e-connected! It is great fun to catch up on everyone’s lives from time to time. 
How simple the internet makes it for us.

I read with interest that so many of you are retiring. I’m glad you are doing that while you have good 
health and someone with whom to enjoy it. Harlan and I sort of did that several years ago when we 
owned places in Florida and Northern Michigan. We enjoyed a wonderful life together in a sort of 
semi-retirement for about 15 years and I am so grateful for that. Of course, being in the travel business, 
life was one long vacation for us. Hah!

Actually, I have been on one long holiday for the better part of this past year. The travel bargains have 
been sooooo incredible and I didn’t feel much like working.. .so I wandered the world by planes and trains 
and ships and motorcoaches: through the Panama Canal to Costa Rica; around the Canadian Rockies; by cruise 
from London to Iceland with several “titanic moments” through the icebergs and fjords of Greenland, over the 
Artic Circle and down into Quebec and Montreal; by helicopter over the Australian Outback and with snorkel 
in the Great Barrier Reef; by ship through the eastern Caribbean and, finally, I spent a few days on a quiet 
beach on the Riviera Maya of Mexico. Some of my travels have been with another widow/friend and, actually, 
much of my wandering truly was work-related.. .but mostly it has been a very good time of physical and 
emotional healing for me.

Now I am back to reality and settling down to tending to business. Fortunately, I still do have a business 
to tend. For me, work is needed and good!

One of the real highlights of my year this year was re-connecting with Sandy Diehl Kelly, Diane Lubaway 
and Nancy Chwalik way last January. Sandy was at her brothers in Ann Arbor for a time and we four 
were able to get together and do some serious re-bonding. It is amazing how quickly we were able to 
bridge the chasm of so many years. It is true that the old ties are the ones that really do bind.
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Ron Shaffran
Linda Sienko
Denny Simonds
Ken Stack				
Mary Styers
Casper Swamba
I am a snowbird who summers in Mich. and winters in Estero, Florida. 
Currently I am in Mich. enjoying friends and  family and  will remain in Michigan until the end of the year.  
We waited a long time for grandchildren, but once they started they just kept coming.  We have a grandson, 
14 months, and two granddaughters, 12 months and one arriving some time in April.  They are all precious and 
we are totally enjoying them all.
                                                            cass and dana swamba