News For Life
This newsletter is designed to keep you aware of the many relationships our life choices have on personal health, a sustainable planet and respect for other species. By simply shifting towards a plant-based lifestyle you can realize many truly wondrous things!

October 2005

1. VIM's Special Event & Announcements

Rehabbing the Heart Through Diet

Special Lecture by Joel Kahn, MD, Medical Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation at Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak.  Dr. Kahn will discuss the nature of heart disease as a common health problem. He will also discuss the role of lifestyle choices, such as diet and exercise, and will particularly emphasis the vegetarian and vegan diet in terms of promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Troy Public Library
510 West Big Beaver Road
7 PM, Tuesday, October 25th, 2005
For reservations call 248-524-3538

This lecture is sponsored by Veggies In Motion!

Vegetarian Classes This Fall!

Learn all the important reasons to switch to a plant-based diet and then learn how to prepare some delicious food. Register with a loved one or a friend, they will thank you afterward!  Special Offer: A free vegan cookbook, "Veggie Lovers Cookbook" to anyone registering as a result of this newsletter! Just let us know what class you have registered for. Here are the remaining locations and names of classes:

* Livonia Community Education Enrichment Program October 10th AND 12th, 7-9PM, food samples on the 12th! Register for "Vegetarian 101" by calling 734-744-2602

* Novi Community Education October 3rd AND 5th, 7-9PM, food samples on the 5th! Register for "Vegetarian 101" by calling 248-449-1206

* Southfield - Irene's Myomassology Saturday October 8th, 9AM-1PM, includes Lunch! Register for "Vegetarian 101" by calling 248-350-1400

* St. Clair Shores Community Education October 17th AND 19th, 7-9PM, food samples on the 19th! Register for "Food For Life" by calling 586-285-8880

Classes taught by Jim and Meriam Corcoran, founders of VIM.

"Animals, the Environment and You" Oakland University Conference

Thursday October 13th from 10 AM - 4 PM in the Gold Rooms of the Oakland Center at Oakland University!!! The public is invited and there will be a free vegan/organic lunch for attendees! Here is a map of the campus (go to the OC in west campus), : 

New Restaurant and VIM Discount!

A Taste of Ethiopia
29702 Southfield Road (Southfield Plaza)
Ethiopian- Delicious veggie options!
Receive a 15% discount with a VIM membership card.

Here is a list of restaurants offering discounts to our members and a link to the page 

Clinton Twp. - Life Smart Foods
Commerce Twp. - Szechuan Empire North
Dearborn - Red Star Chinese Restaurant
Detroit - INNate Vegetarian Cafe, Love's Just Hors d'oeuvres & Me
Farmington - Everest Express
Farmington Hills - UDIPI Vegetarian
Ferndale - The Blue Nile
Gross Pointe - Sprout House Natural Foods
Grosse Pointe Park - Moo Moo's Organic Bistro
Harper Woods - Steve's Backroom
Livonia - Szechuan Empire Restaurant
Milford - Lei Ting
Royal Oak - Kathmandu Chullo, Tasi Juice Bar
St. Clair Shores - Steve's Backroom
Southfield - A Taste of Ethiopia
Sterling Heights - Ike's Family Dining
Troy - Grape Leaves, Lebanese Grill
More being added all the time!

Get your membership card today! Go to: 

VIM Great American Meatout 2006 Announcement 

Calling all Great American Meatout volunteers! Want to help with the 2006 Meatout? Want to encourage the public to give up meat for a day? Positions available now to help with event planning as well as day-of jobs. If you want to make a difference, please contact

2. The Solution to Crime and Violence Is on Your Plate

At first glance, there seems nothing special about the students at this high school in Appleton, Wisconsin. They appear calm, interact comfortably with one another, and are focused on their schoolwork. And yet, a couple of years ago, there was a police officer patrolling the halls at this school for developmentally challenged students. Many of the students were troublemakers, there was a lot of fighting with teachers and some of the kids carried weapons. What happened?

A glance through the halls provides the answer. The vending machines have been replaced by water coolers. The lunchroom took hamburgers and French fries off the menu, making room for fresh vegetables and fruits, whole-grain bread and a salad bar. Is that all? Yes, that's all. [The article cites many other examples and studies relating nutrition and behavior. It concludes: "We need to know more about the composition of the right nutrients. It could be the recipe for peace."] 

Make your children's school a healthier, safer place to learn: 

3. Heart-friendly Herbs Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science

...comprehensive lifestyle changes such as opting for a low-fat, vegetarian diet, stopping smoking, stress management training, and moderate exercise have been shown to bring about regression of even severe atherosclerosis.


4. Cruciferous Vegetable Compounds Block Lung Cancer Progression

A family of compounds found in cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and watercress, blocked lung cancer progression... in tests with human lung cancer cells, report researchers from Georgetown University Medical Center and the Institute for Cancer Prevention. 

5. Growing Evidence for Benefits of Green Tea

At the recent International Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Cancer sponsored by the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), scientists presented new evidence about phytochemicals in green tea that may help prevent normal cells from developing into cancer and spreading. 

6. Java Joy: Study Touts Coffee's Benefits

Coffee not only helps clear the mind and perk up the energy, it also provides more healthful antioxidants than any other food or beverage in the American diet (VIM note: this is the SAD or Standard American Diet), according to a study released Sunday... Antioxidants, which are thought to help battle cancer and provide other health benefits, are abundant in grains, tomatoes and many other fruits and vegetables.

7. Diet Can Help Fight Arthritis

Here’s some “colorful” news about how diet may cut your risk of arthritis. A recent study by British researchers showed for the first time that subjects who ate a diet high in carotenoids – the chemicals that give certain fruits and vegetables their orange and yellow colorings – dramatically reduced their risk of inflammatory arthritis. 

8. New Study Shows High-carb, Vegan Diet Causes Major Weight Loss

A low-fat, plant-based diet is more effective at helping women lose weight and improve insulin sensitivity than an omnivorous diet, shows a new study appearing in the September issue of The American Journal of Medicine. 

9. Asthma Explained by Common Allergy to Milk and Dairy Products

"Milk is one of the two or three most common food allergens in the American diet," says allergy specialist Dr. James Braly... in addition to asthma and eczema, an underlying milk allergy may manifest as bronchitis, sinusitis, autoimmune disorders, frequent colds and ear infections and even behavioral problems. 

10. Dear Editor:

Every time I see or read something about the benefits of cow milk, I have to laugh. Most Americans are only too happy to drink down the powerful National Dairy Council’s propaganda on milk. Of course, if they knew that cow milk contained bacteria, viruses, antibiotics, allergens, fecal matter, pesticides, growth hormones, blood and pus, they might not be so anxious to put it to their lips.

Alarmingly, Dr. T. Colin Campbell of Cornell University, the author of one of the largest and longest epidemiological studies on diet and disease in the world, says, "Cows' milk protein may be the single most significant chemical carcinogen to which humans are exposed."

Aside from the problems and contaminants, milk is a hormonal delivery system, from mother to offspring, and is unique to each species. Cow milk was designed to take a 65lb calf and turn it into a 300lb cow in a year’s time. By stealing it from calves, we become the only species on Earth that drinks another species’ milk and we do it beyond infancy. We don’t need cow milk any more than we need dog milk or elephant milk.

I have been vegan (no animal products) for the last nine years, and this spring I had a bone density test. My T-score was 4.2, which the nurse said is the highest score she has ever seen in all the years she has been testing! If I can easily get all of my calcium needs from plant-based foods, as can vegan dairy cows (which they all are), then it just makes sense that everyone else can, if they only try.

Jim C.

11. How Risky Is Red Meat? Limit Your Consumption to Reduce Chances of Developing Cancer

The cancer risk actually rises with fairly small amounts of these foods. Eating more than about five-and-a-half ounces of red meat and processed meat per day put people in the most at-risk group. A smaller change in risk was even seen with 10 ounces per week. The meats responsible include beef, pork, lamb and veal, plus sausage, ham, bacon and cold cuts. 

12. Potential Effects of the Next 100 Billion Hamburgers Sold by McDonald’s

Consuming 100 billion McDonald’s beef burgers versus the same company’s McVeggie burgers would provide, approximately, on average, an additional 550 million pounds of saturated fat and 1.2 billion total pounds of fat, as well as 1 billion fewer pounds of fiber and 660 million fewer pounds of protein. 

13. Beneficial Bowel Bacteria – Our Neglected Friends

Within our intestines live trillions of organisms that are so important to our health and survival that they should be thought of as a vital organ – just like our livers or kidneys... Each species of bacteria survives best on specific kinds of nutrients. In short, “friendly” bacteria prefer to dine on plant-food remnants, and pathogens thrive when the diet is low in plant foods and high in meat and other “junk-food.” Therefore, what we choose to eat determines the predominance of the bacteria species that will live in our gut. 

14. Cats Don’t Like Sugar – They’re Carnivores

Human tongues respond pleasurably to sweet (carbohydrates), but have lost the taste for amino acids, placing us undeniably in the category of herbivores (plant eaters)... We only appear to be omnivorous because we have the ability to “doctor up” meat with salt and sauces (barbecue, sweet and sour, marinara, etc.) sufficiently enough to make it palatable...The next person you meet head-on who claims meat is “tasty,” stop him in his tracks and insist that he eat a large plate of plain, unseasoned, boiled beef or boiled chicken in front of you – note their displeasure. Then offer that same meal to the dog or cat and note how eagerly this critter devours the meat. 

15. Tips from a Vegan Strongman: Super Charging the 5x5 Program for Massive Gains in Size and Strength

If you are tired of complicating programs that take more time to plan than execute, then you are going to love the 5x5 protocol. 

“There is strong medical evidence that complete freedom from eating animal flesh or cow's milk products is a gateway to optimal nutritional health.” Michael Klaper M.D.

16. A Pang of Conscience With Every Bite of Meat We Eat

Working conditions in U.S. meat and poultry plants should trouble the conscience of every American who eats beef, pork or chicken.


17. U.S. Farm Practices Sadly Behind Other Countries

What country has the most advanced animal protection legislation in the world? If you guessed the United States, go to the bottom of the class. The United States lags far behind all 25 nations of the European Union... In the United States, there is no federal law governing the welfare of animals on the farm.

18. Selling Sickness: How the World's Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies Are Turning Us All into Patients (Hardcover)

...the collusion between medical science and the drug industry emphasizes how drug companies market their products by either redefining problems as diseases (like female sexual dysfunction) or redefining a condition to encompass a greater percentage of the population...for instance...Physicians now routinely prescribe cholesterol-lowering pills (statins) that may have perilous side effects, when many people could lower their risk of heart attack with less costly and dangerous steps, such as exercise and improved diet.

19. Wave of Marine Species Extinctions Feared

"It's been a slow-motion disaster," said Boris Worm, a professor at Canada's Dalhousie University, "It's silent and invisible. People don't imagine this. It hasn't captured our imagination, like the rain forest."

Dozens of biologists believe the seas have reached a tipping point, with scores of species of ocean-dwelling fish, birds and mammals edging toward extinction... nothing has pushed marine life to the edge of extinction more than aggressive fishing. Aided by technology, industrial trawlers and factory ships deploy radar and sonar to scour the seas with precision and drag nets the size of jumbo jets along the sea floor. 

20. Wild Fish Catch Hits Limit

AFTER DECADES OF GROWTH, the reported global wild fish catch peaked in 2000 at 96,000,000 tons, then fell to 90,000,000 tons by 2003, the last year for which worldwide data are available... Over the past 50 years, the number of large predatory fish in the oceans has dropped by a startling 90%. Catches of many popular food fish such as cod, tuna, flounder, and hake have been cut in half despite a tripling in fishing effort. 

21. U.S. Government Turns Thumbs Down to Truthful Toxin Warnings on Tuna

The Food and Drug Administration told California that the state's attempt to require mercury warnings on tuna conflicts with federal law. California's attorney general disputed the FDA letter, and said it was an attempt to stop a lawsuit the state has filed against tuna companies over the warnings. "The federal government has no authority to prevent warnings that provide truthful, important information to consumers," said [a] spokesman for California Attorney General Bill Lockyer. 

22. Deceit of the Raven

It began with apes. In the 1960's and 70's, scientists taught captive chimps to use words and documented wild ones using tools and planning hunting expeditions. Then other smart mammals -- monkeys, elephants and porpoises among them -- also proved to have surprisingly ''human'' mental powers. And in the last few years, the circle has expanded to still other mammals and beyond.

23. Take Action:

1) Help Protect Our Oceans from Over Fishing

Over fishing is bad. It is bad for fish, bad for fishermen, and really bad for our ocean ecosystems. Over fishing occurs when fish are caught at a rate faster than they can reproduce and sustain themselves.

Currently over one-third of commercial fish species in U.S. waters are experiencing over fishing, over fished, or in danger of being over fished. And right now the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) is proposing to allow even more over fishing! The good news is that YOU can help by simply sending a letter - Act Now! 

2) End USDA Meat Recall Secrecy!

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced a recall of 900,000 pounds of hamburger distributed by a Georgia company to retailers nationwide. The meat was contaminated with a deadly E. coli bacteria. The USDA keeps secret the names of retailers that receive contaminated meat. Act now! 

3) Sponsor an MTV Ad

Compassion Over Killing just released its fourth 30-second ad, "If You Knew," which offers yet another hard-hitting message to MTV viewers about how our dietary choices have far-reaching effects on the lives and deaths of billions of animals. By targeting MTV's teen and young adult viewing audience, COK is able to get the animals' message directly to those shown by research to be the most receptive to vegetarian eating. The commercial will reach hundreds of thousands of MTV viewers from coast to coast this fall, including thousands in Detroit, which are ideal markets because of large schools like Wayne State. Please visit for more information about the campaign and how you can sponsor ads.

24. Katrina - How Vegetarians Can Help

When Katrina struck, Food for Life, an International Vegetarian Union Member Society, was on site within hours, providing vegetarian food relief and other humanitarian aid. Please support them in any way you can as their work will be continuing for a long time to come.  

25. Michigan Sierra Club Lobby Day

Lobby Day is one of the Sierra Club’s keystone events, where members converge on Lansing to educate lawmakers about important environmental issues. This year they will help solve the tremendous pollution problems caused by Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs or factory farms). Industrial-scale animal factories dump millions of gallons of raw animal manure into the state’s waterways, causing tremendous harm to our surface and ground waters and the health of nearby residents. CAFOs are public health disasters just waiting to happen and we need your help! Wednesday, Oct. 19 in Lansing from 9am until 3:30pm. No experience necessary!

For more information, contact Gayle Miller (517) 484-2372 or   

26. Special Grand Opening Invitation for VIM Members and their personal referrals.

Presenter, Consultant and Bestselling Author Dr. Kerrie Saunders, MS, LLP, PhD is now teaching classes in Port Huron (810-622-8687), Southfield (248-350-1400) and Birmingham (248-988-8098). Customized private Food & Fitness Consultations with Dr. Saunders are available in Port Huron and now also at the Birmingham location. Food & Fitness Consultations are tailored to YOUR specific needs and goals, helping you learn ways to: Identify and correct nutritional deficiencies, Lose excess body fat, Lower cholesterol, Lower blood pressure, Fight food cravings, Prevent cancer, Live with food allergies or intolerance, Balance blood sugar (diabetes/hypoglycemia), Enhance athletic performance, and Prevent heart disease and stroke. We will also work with your MD to achieve medication reduction or elimination whenever possible. Special Grand Opening Invitation: All VIM Members and their personal referrals will receive $40 off the regular 90-Minute Intake Session rate of $160. By appointment only. Special Rate only through November 1, 2005.

27. Free Screening of Award-winning Film, 'The Witness'

October 27, 2005-'The Witness,' a 43 minute film that has won six Best Documentary Awards at Film Festivals across America, will screen for one night only at The Canton Library ( The Witness tells the story of Eddie Lama, a tough construction contractor from Brooklyn whose chance encounter with a kitten completely transforms his life. Pulitzer Prize winning columnist of the Los Angeles Times, Howard Rosenberg, said, "The Witness is one man's truth that cries out for mass exposure.... may be the most important film about animals ever made."

Jim Corcoran from VIM will give a short talk about farming practices here in the US. Doors will be open at 6, and the film starts at 7:00 p.m. Jim will be speaking afterword. There will be vegan refreshments served. Brought to you in cooperation with Southeastern Michigan Animal Rights Team ( and VIM.

28. VIM Retreat Recipes

Michelle Brown had many requests for the recipes that she prepared for the attendees last month that we decided to publish them in our newsletter. Enjoy!

Vegan “Krab" Cakes

1 15 oz. can of chick peas
1 row or 35 Ritz crackers
½ small onion, finely diced
½ cup of pureed frozen Okra, thawed
1 Tbs. of Old Bay seasoning
2 Tbs. of Perkelp or Dulse flakes
1 box of corn flake crumbs

Preheat oven at 350.

Mash chick peas with fork until just broken up. Crush crackers with hands. Puree thawed Okra in food processor. Mix all ingredients together until holds shape of patties. Dredge patties in cornflake crumbs. Bake on oiled cookie sheet for 30 to 45 minutes, or until firm. Eat by itself or on a bun with vegan tartar sauce (see recipe below).

Vegan Tartar Sauce

1 cup Vegenaise or eggless mayonnaise
2 Tbs. capers
1 Tbs. minced green onion
2 Tbs. finely chopped fresh dill

Mix together and serve as condiment. Lasts about 1 week in refrigerator.

Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies with a Surprise

1 lb. vegan margarine
½ cup organic brown sugar
1 ½ cups organic all-purpose flour
½ cup organic raw sugar
½ tsp. salt
1 Tbs. arrowroot powder
½ tsp. baking soda
¼ cup of water
1 package of vegan chocolate chips
1 tsp. vanilla
½ cup chopped nuts, optional 
3 Tbs. cinnamon

Preheat oven at 375 degrees. 

Mix arrowroot powder and water in large bowl. Cream in softened margarine, vanilla, sugars, and cinnamon. Slowly add in dry ingredients. Drop a tablespoon of dough on cookie sheet, 1 inch apart. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes.

For all other regional events go to:


Saturday ~ October 1, 2005 - October 31, 2005 ~ VIM Display will be at the Berkeley Public Library

Monday ~ October 3, 2005
7:00 pm ~ VIM's Vegetarian 101. Two hours both days. Monday lecture on health, environment and ethics, Wednesday cooking class. Novi, MI. Register for "Vegetarian 101" Call Novi Community Education at (248) 449-1206.

Thursday ~ October 6, 2005
7:30 pm ~ VIM Raw Food Potluck & Food Preparation Demo. Join other people that are trying to be healthier by increasing raw foods into their diets. Unity of Livonia, 28660 5 Mile Road, Livonia, MI. between Middlebelt and Inkster Road. Bring your favorite RAW VEGAN dish sized for 8 servings or a $7.50 donation. Call Flo or Jerry at (313) 541-0162.

Saturday ~ October 8, 2005
9:00 am ~ VIM's Vegetarian 101. Four hours. Lecture on health, environment and ethics, followed by cooking class. Southfield, MI. Register for "Vegetarian 101" Call Irene's Myomassology at (248) 350-1400.

7:00 pm ~ VIM Dinner Club at Priya Indian Cuisine Priya is considered one of the best Indian restaurants in the area, with beautiful decor. They specialize in South Indian cuisine, including dosas. , 72 W. Maple Road, Troy, MI. Corner of Livernois and Maple (next to Good Food Company). We will order from in South Indian cuisine, including dosas. To attend, you MUST give an RSVP by October 6th. Karen at (248) 544-4030.

8:30 pm ~ VIM Dance For Fun! We will meet at Corradi's Sports Bar. They will have a live band starting at 9 PM, and there is no cover charge., 1090 Rochester Road., Troy, MI. South of Maple To attend, you MUST give an RSVP by October 6th. Karen at (248) 544-4030. 

Monday ~ October 10, 2005
7:00 pm ~ VIM's Vegetarian 101. Two hours both days. Monday lecture on health, environment and ethics, Wednesday cooking class. Livonia, MI. Register for "Vegetarian 101" Call Livonia Community Education at (734) 744-2602. 

Tuesday ~ October 11, 2005
7:00 pm ~ VIM Board Meeting in Jim & Meriam's home, Madison Heights, MI. Call or email for direction if you plan to attend. Jim or Meriam at (248) 616-9676.

Friday ~ October 14, 2005
7:00 pm ~ VIM Mugs & Jugs. Shoot pool or just shoot the breeze. Vegan burger available! Plush Pockets, 28202 Dequindre Road, Warren, MI. Located on the east side of Dequindre between 11 Mile and 12 Mile Roads, just south of Krogers. RSVP Peter at (248) 515-3367.

Monday ~ October 17, 2005
7:00 pm ~ VIM's Food For Life. Two hours both days. Monday lecture on health, environment and ethics, Wednesday cooking class. St. Clair Shores, MI. Register for "Food For Life" Call St. Clair Shores Community Education at (586) 285-8880. 

Tuesday ~ October 18, 2005
6:30 pm ~ VIM Presents: Victoria Boutenko She will present the latest reearch on the Green Smoothie Revolution. Unity of Livonia, 28860 5 Mile Road., Livonia, MI. $10 includes green smoothie, raw sandwich, dessert and handouts. RSVP Jerry or Flo at (313) 541-0162. 

Sunday ~ October 23, 2005
1:00 pm ~ VIM Vegan Potluck & Speaker. Tom Milano, will talk about “Spiritual Vegetarianism as the Key to Unveiling Peace on Earth”. Tom will share his belief that that the realization of humanity’s true spiritual identity & purpose, hinges on the return to a compassionate, plant-based diet. Unity of Livonia, 28660 5 Mile Road, Livonia, MI. between Middlebelt and Inkster Road. Bring your favorite VEGAN dish sized for 8 servings or a $7.50 donation. Call Flo or Jerry at (313) 541-0162. 

Tuesday ~ October 25, 2005
7:00 pm ~ VIM Speaker Presentation! “Rehabbing the Heart through Diet” Joel Kahn, MD. Medical Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Beaumont Hospital will be speaking at the Troy Public Library, 510 West Big Beaver Road., Troy, MI. Free and open to the public. For Information Call (248) 524-3538.

Thursday ~ October 27, 2005
6:00 pm ~ A 43 minute film that has won six Best Documentary Awards at Film Festivals across America, will screen for one night only at The Canton Library ( The Witness tells the story of Eddie Lama, a tough construction contractor from Brooklyn whose chance encounter with a kitten completely transforms his life. Pulitzer Prize winning columnist of the Los Angeles Times, Howard Rosenberg, said, "The Witness is one man's truth that cries out for mass exposure.... may be the most important film about animals ever made."  Jim Corcoran from VIM will give a short talk about farming practices here in the US. Doors will be open at 6, and the film starts at 7:00 p.m. Jim will be speaking afterward. There will be vegan refreshments served. Brought to you in cooperation with Southeastern Michigan Animal Rights Team ( and VIM. Lori at 734-495-9063.

Saturday ~ October 29, 2005
7:00 pm ~ VIM Halloween Costume Party at the Rowlson's house Not a potluck, just bring a snack or beverage (alcohol allowed) if you wish. Adults and teens with a parent only. 8641 Hancock, White Lake, MI. Call Laura Rowlson at (248) 698-4719.


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PO Box 71311

Madison Heights, MI 48071
Veggies In Motion (VIM) is a Southeast Michigan nonprofit organization 
promoting the awareness of the health, ecological and ethical consequences of 
our food choices. We provide support to our members while reaching out to 
educate the public about the many benefits of shifting towards a 
plant-based lifestyle.

Sign-up for our FREE e-newsletter!


© 1999-2005 Veggies In Motion