The following people are the backbone of Sundance Racing.
Volunteers who man the paddock and perform crew tasks are by
far the most important individuals on this list.
Their willingness to travel hundreds of miles during the race season
all for some personal gratification and maybe a steak dinner,
make this activity possible. Many thanks go out to these individuals.
David Bull
Birth Date: December 31, 1954
Hometown: Birmingham, MI
Residence: Birmingham, MI
Employment: Commercial Realtor
Richard Clutz
Birth Date: June 6, 1973
Hometown: Rochester, NY
Residence: Highland, MI
Employment: Automotive Engineer
Michael Franke
Birth Date: October 3, 1954
Hometown: Detroit, MI
Residence: Detroit, MI
Employment: Fuel Sales, Owner
David Morgan
Birth Date: October 8, 1960
Hometown: St. Louis, MO
Residence: West Bloomfield, MI
Employment: Regional Sales Manager
Matthew Van Benschoten
Birth Date: June 3, 1973
Hometown: Little Falls, NJ
Residence: Walled Lake, MI
Employment: Automotive Engineer
Michael Yater
Birth Date: May 13, 1944
Hometown: Waterford, MI
Residence: Waterford, MI
Employment: Residential Realtor

© 1998 Matt Van Benschoten - Last Update 03/02/98 07:10 PM