From: Michael A. Budkie [ ]
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 11:07 PM
Subject: Let's Get Going -- World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week -- April 22nd - 28th

Fellow Activists,

 World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week is almost upon us, only 3 weeks away. 

 The SAEN website now lists events in 13 cities, and we have just received information on 7 more events which will be posted in the next few days.  We are up to 20 events total.  That's wonderful for 3 weeks before WLALW.  I know that we will receive many more events in the coming weeks.

 Please go to to list your event on our site.

 If you need help with getting information about labs in your area, please contact me by email or call 513-575-5517

I know that as activists you constantly receive requests for help.  Your time is at a premium. You want to make a real impact for the animals.

 Our best estimate is that somewhere in the United States a laboratory breaks the law once every 3 hours.  Intelligent primates are housed in isolation, slowly driving them insane.  Dogs, cats, sheep, goats and other animals are deprived of veterinary care which causes them to suffer and die in agony.

For details of violations at some of the most famous U.S. labs go to:  The details are literally heartbreaking.  Dogs starving, untreated broken bones, monkeys dying of dehydration, animals run through cagewashers . . .   The agony is unspeakable.

 We must not allow these heinous acts to go unopposed.  The perpetrators of these atrocities must be exposed to public scrutiny.

Don't hesitate to act.  No group of activists is too small.  1, 2, or even 5 can make a difference.

 If not now, when?  If not you, then who?

 Where will you be April 22nd - 28th?

 Michael A. Budkie, A.H.T.,

Executive Director, SAEN