VIM's News For Life

July 2006

This newsletter is designed to keep you aware of the many relationships our life choices have on personal health, a sustainable planet and respect 
for other species. By simply shifting towards a plant-based lifestyle, you can realize many truly wondrous things!

A) FUNdraiser Saturday!
B) Volunteers needed for the Ann Arbor Art Fair
C) Open Invitation to THIRD Annual Retreat
D) Name Contest!

1) Chocolate as Sunscreen
2) Slim Down and Get Healthy with Spices
3) Ginger Kills Ovarian Cancer Cells
4) Check Your Tackle and Eat More Tomatoes
5) Tea Offers Many Benefits
6) Making the China Connection
7) Video - T. Colin Campbell PhD Lecture
8) Good Food, Wicked Food: Take the Quiz
9) Husband, Wife, and Even Family Dog, Survive Cancer
10) Fruits, Vegetables Not as Nutritious as 50 Years Ago
11) Twins Theory May Make You Have A Cow
12) No Canned Tuna, Magazine Warns Pregnant Women
13) The Fantasy of Fish As "Health Food"
14) (Not so) Cheap Eats
15) G-d's Creation As A Commodity
16) Group Calls on FDA to Test, Label GE Foods
17) Meat-centred Eating Affects Food Security & Environment
18) EarthTalk: Livestock Grazing and the Environment
19) Ocean Troubles
20) Deep-sea Trawling's "Great Harm"
21) Coral Death Results From Bacteria Fed By Algae
22) Overfishing Puts S. California Kelp Ecosystems At Risk
23) Are Fish Smarter Than Dogs?
24) Video - Chew on This
25) Veganism Creates $2.8 Billion Market
26) Vegan Radio
27) Message T-Shirt
28) Three Easy Actions Plus One


A) Shop 'Til You Drop, Dahling!

Saturday, July 1, 2006, Noon - 6 pm
It's a super FUNdraiser for Veggies In Motion! DON'T MISS THIS AMAZING EVENT! Join us for the shopping event of a lifetime - proceeds going 
toward all the the education, efforts and events of Veggies In Motion! What  could be better? Stock up for birthdays, holidays and friendship gifts - and 
maybe a little something for yourself, too! PURE VEGAN bracelets, works of art, pottery, sea salt scrubs, earrings, anti-aging skin care, necklaces,
aromatherapy, supplements, body jewelry, color cosmetics, spa treatments,refreshments and more! Special Guest, Jeanine from Snooty Jewelry - all 
the way in from Massachusetts! COME SAY HI...and Shop 'Til You Drop, Dahling! 
Open House at the Corcoran Condo, 30877 Lee Frank Lane in Madison Heights, MI 48071 (south off 13 Mile, 1/10th of a mile east of Dequindre).
$1 admission donation requested. For additional information call 248-616-9676.

B) VIM Volunteers needed for the Ann Arbor Art Fair!

VIM will be tabling at the 2006 Ann Arbor Art Fair this July 19th through the 22nd (Wednesday - Saturday) and we need volunteers to work the 
booth distributing literature and selling items! This is also a great way to help VIM raise funds to finance our outreach and raise our public 
The shifts are as follows:
Wed 10-2, 2-6, 6-9 -- Thur 10-2, 2-6, 6-9 -- Fri 10-2, 2-6, 6-9 -- Sat 10-2, 2-6
Please go to and sign up for a shift. It's fun to table and we will put you with experienced people. 
Sign up now!

C) Open Invitation to VIM's THIRD Annual Retreat

Veggies In Motion invites you to a weekend of fun, education and relaxation!
Join us for any part of August 25th, 26th and the 27th, 2006 (Friday,Saturday and Sunday) for a wonderful time in Columbiaville (10 miles NW 
of Lapeer) at the Tibbits Nature Sanctuary and Land Stewardship Center. There will be food, classes, hikes, canoeing, games, camping, swimming, 
bonfire and more. Three mouth-watering vegan meals, starting with lunch on Saturday, will be prepared for attendees.

A keynote talk by Dr. Kerrie Saunders, MS, LLP, PhD on "Advanced Issues in Nutrition for Vegetarians" highlights the weekend, along with a
naturalist-led hike across the preserve for edible wild plants, classes on permaculture and raw foods, bonfires Friday and Saturday nights, and 
three vegan meals (lunch and dinner Saturday, breakfast Sunday) prepared by VIM chef Michelle Brown.  Accommodations are free - camping on-site or, for 
an additional cost, a nearby Bed & Breakfast, motel or hotel.

For more information, to view pictures, and to register, go to:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to limited facilities, we must close registration after the first 50 pre-paid participants. Register NOW before the general 
public is notified.  Don't miss the best event of the year!

$25/person for members & $5/member's children 12 and under $30/person  for non-members & $10/person for non-member's children 12 and under

Payment can be made on-line to assure a reservation
( or by  check (payable to VIM, PO Box 71311, Madison Heights, MI 48071) and must be 
in before August 20, 2006.

Friday, August 25, 2006
4 PM – 9 PM – Camp Setup
DUSK - Bonfire, S'mores & Constellation IDs

Saturday, August 26, 2006
9 AM – 11 AM – Registration
11 AM – NOON – Orientation & Camp Set-up
NOON – 1 PM – Lunch
1 PM –  5 PM – Speakers/Workshops/Videos or Personal Time
5 PM – 7 PM – Dinner & Socializing
7 PM – 8 PM – Kerrie Saunders Talk
DUSK – Bonfire, S'mores, Videos or Personal Time
11 PM – Camping/B&B/Hotel/Motel

Sunday, August 27, 2006
9 AM – 10 AM – Breakfast
10 AM – NOON – Break Camp & Clean-up
NOON – 3 PM Departure or Personal Time
3 PM – Retreat Over

NOTE: There is a covered pavilion and main house in case of rain, so activities will continue!

Some of the presenters are:
* Kerrie Saunders, Ph.D., M.S., L.L.P. Columnist for VegNews and author of the book The Vegan Diet as Chronic Disease Prevention
* Michelle Serreyn, Interpreter at Indian Springs Metropark's Environmental Discovery Center
* Clark Tibbits, Director of the Tibbits Nature Sanctuary and Land Stewardship Center
* Flo and Jerry Schneble, VIM board-members/officer, educators and  potluck facilitators
* Jim Corcoran, VIM president

D) VIM Announces Name Contest!

What's in a name?  Plenty, when you're the largest organization in Michigan promoting awareness of the health, ecological and ethical consequences 
of our food choices.  As our organization works to promote a plant-based diet--through programs and events like the Great American Meatout, media
coverage, and more and more like-minded members, volunteers and readers like you-- we need to be sure that our name is also working as hard as it 
could be.  With this in mind, Veggies in Motion's board of directors has launched a search for a new name for VIM.  And we invite YOU to submit any and 
all suggestions! There's a gift certificate to Amici's Pizza in Berkley (great vegan pizzas!) waiting for the person who submits the winning name. 
More importantly, there's knowing that you've helped boost the effectiveness of our outreach efforts.

How to submit a  name:  Simply e-mail your suggested name(s) to by July 20, 2006.  Should multiple 
individuals submit the winning name, the winner will be drawn from those entries.  
The winner will be notified by August 16, 2006.


1) Chocolate as Sunscreen

As if you needed another reason to eat chocolate, German researchers have shown that ingesting types rich in cocoa solids and flavonoids—dark
chocolate—can fight skin cancer. Their findings are preliminary because they come from a trial of just 24 women who were recruited to add cocoa to 
their breakfasts every day for about 3 months...

2) Slim Down and Get Healthy with Spices

Fill up with delicious food while you slim down. It sounds too good to be true, but when you eat a meal that truly tastes good, you're happy 
having a moderate amount. Your spice rack, which allows you to cook without fatty enhancements like cream and butter, holds the key to success. The 
secret? You cut calories without losing flavor. Plus, plant-based seasonings have risks for heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Pump up the flavor in your 
dishes with this guide to superstar spices and healthy herbs:

*Chili Powder. Capsaicin, found in chili peppers, works as an appetite suppressant. Capsaicin has also been shown to be an effective
anti-inflammatory, a potent antioxidant and a promising cancer fighter. Spice up your diet by sprinkling chili powder on tomato soup or corn on 
the cob.

*Garlic. Garlic has earned fame as a powerful health helper. It's rich in organosulfur compounds with high levels of antioxidant activity and 
releases the antibiotic allicin when chopped or crushed. Spice up the flavor by sprinkling chopped or crushed garlic on pizza; or roast whole cloves 
and spread them on a crusty loaf of bread instead of butter.

*Rosemary. This herb boasts high levels of antioxidant activity, thanks to two powerful free-radical eliminators, carnosol and rosmarinic acid.
Research shows that rosemary may help fight cancers of the breast, lung and skin. 

*Curry Powder. Turmeric, an ingredient in curry powder, contains curcumin. This phytochemical helps thwart cancer by switching off proteins that 
cause cells to multiply and by inducing cancer cells to self-destruct. The spice may also reduce risk of Alzheimer's, psoriasis and arthritis. Spice up 
the taste by adding it to bean-based soups, sprinkle on pineapple slices and grill for a tasty side dish.

*Oregano. This aromatic herb, most often associated with Italian and Greek cuisines, contains quercertin and rosmarinic acids, both strong
antioxidants. Scientists at the USDA have shown that 1 tablespoon of fresh oregano offers as much antioxidant activity as a medium-size apple. 
Spice it up by sprinkling fresh or dried oregano on pizza or add to oven-roasted veggies.

*Cumin. A main player in Indian, Mexican, Caribbean and North African cuisines, This antioxidant-rich spice has been shown to lower blood 
glucose levels. Spice up your diet by adding cumin to enchiladas and tacos. 

VIM Note: This summary has edited out references to enhancing meat, dairy and egg recipes.

3) Ginger Kills Ovarian Cancer Cells

Researchers from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center have found that ginger not only kills cancer cells, it also prevents them 
from building up resistance to cancer treatment. Ginger is already used as an effective remedy for nausea and inflammation... 15,000 women are 
expected to die from ovarian cancer this year (in the USA).

4) Check Your Tackle and Eat More Tomatoes

The humble tomato is being touted as man's new best friend in the fight against cancer. Experts are urging men to eat more of the fruit in a 
bid to reduce their lifetime risk of developing certain types of cancer.  Tomatoes are high in a substance called lycopene, which is also found in many 
other red fruits and vegetables...

5) Tea Offers Many Benefits

After water, tea is the most consumed beverage in the world. Not only is it comforting with a pleasant flavor, but it has been known for centuries 
to confer a variety of health benefits. As research progresses, we are finding more and more reasons to consume tea on a regular basis... The 
strongest evidence for the consumption of tea so far, has been related to heart disease and cancer... other promising areas of study involve cognitive
health, immune system function, oral health, and weight control. Most of the positive research results on cognitive health has been with green tea.

6) Making the China Connection

Could the plant-based diet of rural Chinese be a key to your good health? "I didn't get in this business with any agenda, not vegetarian, not vegan, 
not religious, not animal rights, none of that," he said. "I just got into this field as a scientist." Campbell, professor emeritus of nutritional
biochemistry at Cornell University, has summed up his research and his career in a book called The China Study (BenBella Books, 2004).

VIM Note: See following video lecture of Dr. Campbell. We also sell the book at a discounted rate!

7) Video - T. Colin Campbell PhD Lecture

If you missed Dr. Campbell's visit to Detroit this spring, you now have an opportunity to hear him on video for free! His compelling thesis is 
that animal protein (meat, dairy and eggs) causes cancer. 51 minutes long, but worth every minute!

8) Good Food, Wicked Food: Take the Quiz and Find Out Your Nutrition IQ

About 30 to 40 percent of all cancers are related to our lifestyle choices, including the foods we eat, how much exercise we get and how well we 
watch our weight. Are you making the right choices? Here's a quiz based on a report on cancer prevention from the American Institute for Cancer

VIM Note: Other authorities believe that lifestyle choices, particularly diet, play an even larger role in cancer prevention. (See following

9) Husband, Wife, and Even Family Dog, Defy Odds to Survive Cancer

... Mr. Wade, 57, had a rare cancer and was given six months to live.Mrs. Wade, 50, underwent a mastectomy after she was diagnosed with breast 
cancer. Then their beloved boxer dog, William, was diagnosed with cancer too... 
They basically told us there was nothing more they could do and we should go  away and enjoy ourselves for the three to six months he had left... But, Mr. 
Wade amazed doctors by overcoming the disease after attending a course at Bristol Cancer Health Centre that taught him to adopt a healthy vegan diet and
meditate to give his body the best chance of fighting back...

10) Fruits, Vegetables Not as Nutritious as 50 Years Ago

Davis said he doesn't want his study to encourage people to stop eating vegetables on the grounds they lack nutrients. "That's completely 
wrong," he said,.. people need to eat more vegetables and fruits, not less. "Vegetables are extraordinarily rich in nutrients and beneficial phytochemicals. 
They are still there, and vegetables and fruits are our best sources for these."

VIM Note: The University of California in Davis did a study which found that organic produce contained significantly more phytochemicals than
conventionally grown produce.

11) Twins Theory May Make You Have A Cow

...Women who consume dairy products are five times more likely to have twins than those who don't, possibly because of synthetic growth hormones 
added to milk... The  danger is that the human body is designed to produce one baby at a time... Carrying twins means a more complicated labor and raises 
the risk of spontaneous abortion, fetal-growth retardation and congenital anomalies...

12) No Canned Tuna, Magazine Warns Pregnant Women

Pregnant women should not eat canned tuna because it may contain  harmful levels of mercury, Consumer Reports magazine said Monday, taking a more
cautious approach than that recommended by the U.S. government...

VIM Note: If it's not good for pregnant women, why should it be good for anyone else?

13) The Fantasy of Fish As "Health Food": Actually, a Dietary Disaster

"Eat more fish and seafood to protect against heart disease," many well-meaning but misinformed physicians and nutritionists recommend.
"Seafood is rich in omega-3 fatty acids," they state correctly but fail to warn against the hazards of ingesting the toxic flesh, polluted fatty
tissues, or diseased organs that most marine creatures contain. If omega-3 fatty acids are nutritionally beneficial, other sources are available 
that ordinarily do not carry the pollution associated with seafood.  Whole-grain breads and cereals contain omega-3 in abundance; so do flax seeds, 
sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds. Seafood sales have risen more than 25 percent during the past [two] decades. Simultaneously, cholesterol problems,
gastrointestinal ailments, and infestation diseases have increased...

14) (Not So) Cheap Eats

In his 2001 best-seller Fast Food Nation, author Eric Schlosser is out to kill our appetite for fast foods like the Big Mac and its $1 cousin, 
the Whopper Jr. He admits they taste great, but he argues that such meals are filled with chemicals that could make cardboard smell delicious, while 
the actual food often contains microbes spread by fecal material...

15) G-d's Creation as a Commodity:
Patents on genetically engineered crops and animals dishonor the work of creation
...There are many concerns surrounding GMOs and the patenting of food, such as risks to human health and tampering with the delicate balance of the
ecosystem. But those most vulnerable to the patenting of life are the world's farmers and indigenous communities...

16) Group Calls on FDA to Test, Label GE Foods

The nonprofit Center for Food Safety (CFS) filed suit last week calling on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to require labeling for and
conduct mandatory reviews of genetically engineered foods to be sold in the United States. Many environmental and consumer advocates fear that
genetically engineered (GE) foods can harm human and ecosystem health, and as such have been lobbying Congress for years to pass more stringent
regulations governing what has become the fastest growing sector of agriculture...

17) How Meat-centred Eating Patterns Affect Food Security and the Environment

With world population projected to increase by 50% to 8.8 billion by 2030,our ability to adequately feed people will face growing challenges 
(Brown and Kane 1994). Scaling back on heightened levels of resource-intensive meat production may be the best way to ensure food security for all people 
into the next century. Essentially, the world is experiencing an overpopulation in farm animals...

... the land requirements of plant-based agricultural economies are only a fraction of those with high rates of meat production. With fewer 
animals to feed, it might be possible to rebuild world grain reserves, ensuring dependable supplies for direct human consumption in countries facing 
food scarcity. Reducing land use by cutting meat production would also be a very effective way to ensure that wilderness areas are maintained and even
expanded. Wilderness is crucial to providing biological diversity, climate control, and a store of carbon dioxide...

... Numerous studies have pointed out the advantages of vegetarian foods in prevention of heart disease, cancer, and many other diet-related 

... As the Earth's human population continues to expand, two things will be critical for our survival: adequate food resources and intact 
wilderness areas. One sure way to achieve both would be to dramatically change food choices from animal products to plant-based foods.

18) EarthTalk: Livestock Grazing and the Environment

Most scientists and environmental experts view livestock grazing as an ecological disaster. For starters, cows and sheep are indiscriminate 
eaters and tend to remove every piece of grass and shrub in sight, thus eliminating shelter and food for birds and other wildlife, leading to their 
decline. In drier regions, landscape used extensively and repeatedly for grazing eventually turns into barren wasteland not even suitable for the 
livestock themselves. Further, the significant amounts of waste that livestock animals leave behind play a key role in the pollution of our freshwater 

19) Ocean Troubles

Overfishing is one of the major threats to the sustainable supply of food from the marine environment, according to a new fact sheet from the
IUCN-World Conservation Union, "Ocean Blues." ... total marine  production peaked in 2000 at 87 million metric tons and has declined since. 
Fifteen out of seventeen of the world's largest fisheries are so heavily exploited that reproduction cycles cannot guarantee continued catches...

20) Deep-sea Trawling's "Great Harm"

A coalition of leading environmental and conservation groups has called for a ban on the damaging fishing practice known as bottom-trawling. It has 
been likened to fishing with a bulldozer.

21) Coral Death Results From Bacteria Fed By Algae

Bacteria and algae are combining to kill coral –– and human activities are compounding the problem... Overfishing reduces the number of fish that 
graze on algae, thus increasing the amount of algae on the reef. Nutrients from sewage and agricultural run-off fertilize the algae. Warmer water and 
more intense hurricanes resulting from global climate change are also blamed  for coral death....

VIM Note: All of these problems are exacerbated by a meat-based diet. A plant-based diet allows us to tread much more lightly on the planet.

22) Overfishing Puts Southern California Kelp Forest Ecosystems At  Risk, Report Scientists

Kelp forest ecosystems that span the West Coast -- from Alaska to  Mexico's Baja Peninsula -- are at greater risk from overfishing than from the 
effects of run-off from fertilizers or sewage on the shore, say scientists...

23) Are Fish Smarter Than Dogs?

Oxford scientists have built an aquatic obstacle course to see how fish navigate their way around it. After watching the fish, the scientists 
now believe that they are much smarter than they previously thought. They also seem to be able to learn faster than dogs.

24) Video - Chew on This

15+ reasons to become a vegetarian (go vegan!). 3 min. 40 sec.

25) Veganism Creates $2.8 Billion Market

"People think vegans are grungy, granola eaters," said Ana Terrazas, who has been a vegan for 25 years. "But it is becoming more mainstream, and
businesses are thinking about that."
Thanks Maida!

26) Vegan Radio

Vegan Radio is a show about vegan culture, animal rights issues, the  vegan diet, the vegan lifestyle, and the greater relationships to
environmentalism, spirituality, politics, and salsa dancing. Show hosts  are Megan Shackelford and Derek Goodwin who bring an entertaining and 
sometimes humorous perspective to the often serious subject matter. Their objective is to create a show that omnivores will enjoy as much as vegetarians and 
vegans do, to help spread the message in a way that doesn't put people off.

Vegan Radio programs are available for download as mp3 files. You can also subscribe to our podcast to have Vegan Radio delivered to your computer 
as soon as we have a new show up.

27) Message T-Shirt:
There are so many reasons to go vegan, now you can "vegucate" the masses with this persuasive T-shirt. Whether your specific cause is human 
rights, animal rights, the environment or peace -- nonviolence unites us all!

Front of shirt reads as follows:
For the People.
For the Planet.
For the Animals.

Back of shirt reads as follows:
Feed the hungry.
Save indigenous people.
Stand up for workers rights.

Be kind to animals.
Stop factory farms.
Save 100 animals every year.

End deforestation for grazing.
Save an acre of trees.
End grazing on public lands.

Tell USDA 'Wildlife Services'
to stop killing wildlife for
corporate ranchers' profits.

Stop wars for resources.
Help end corporate rule.
Live your conscience.

Save our oceans.
Stop the #1 polluter of water.
Support a sustainable planet.

Think outside yourself.
Live compassionately.
Stop the violence.

Get this shirt at:

28) Three Easy Actions Plus One:

A) Help Farmed Animals

Congressmen Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) and Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) have introduced a bill that would require producers supplying animal 
products to the federal government to comply with minimal animal welfare standards. Please ask your representative to co-sponsor and support H.B. 5557, the 
Farm Animal Stewardship Purchasing Act. It will only take a minute or two, but could make a real difference in the lives of millions of animals.

B) Protect Children, Infants and Fetuses! Stop EPA Approval of Toxic Pesticides.

Government scientists are blowing the whistle on the Environmental Protection Agency's political appointees attempt to allow the continued 
use of toxic pesticides without completing adequate hazard evaluations. Scientists are being pressured to skip key risk assessment tests, which
would protect particularly vulnerable groups, like fetuses, infants and children...

C) Bug-Based Food Dye Should Be... Exterminated!

Carmine and cochineal extract, red food colorings made from the dried bodies of the cochineal insect, is used to color various yogurts, fruit 
flavored drinks, candies, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and other products.  Food manufacturers are not required to disclose that carmine is derived from
insects but merely to describe it as "color added" or "artificial  color."
Not only is that labeling unfair to people who adhere to kosher or vegetarian diets, but it can cause sometimes-severe allergic 
reactions... Please urge the FDA to ban the colorings—or at the very least require manufacturers to disclose that the colorings are made from insects and 
may cause allergic reactions...

D) Another Inconvenient Truth

Many of you have probably seen the Al Gore documentary about global warming, An Inconvenient Truth, and are aware that while the movie is excellent 
there was no mention of a vegan diet in his 10 actions steps. This should be the first action step: 

Action #1 - Go Vegan - Eat local, organic fruits and vegetables. Eat no meat, dairy, or eggs.

Three thousand pounds of carbon dioxide per year is saved by switching from the Standard American Diet (SAD) to a vegan diet, per an April 2006
University of Chicago study.  This diet
change will have more effect on global warming than any one of the other 10 actions suggested in the movie, and on the An Inconvenient Truth 
website ( To get the same effect, you would have to either reduce your yearly car mileage by 3,000 miles or
replace twenty regular light bulbs in your home with fluorescent bulbs. 
Even recycling only saves 2400 pounds of carbon dioxide per year per household, while the diet change is 3000 pounds per year per person.

Please contact Al Gore by snail mail: Honorable Al Gore, 2100 West End Avenue, Suite 620, Nashville, TN 37203 - or phone him at 615-327-2227 - 
or fax him at 615-327-1323. We are hoping that if he receives an avalanche of mail/faxes/phone calls, he may be able to make corrections, or have an
insert placed in the book. 
Thank You For Your Help! Flo S.


VIM's traveling veg display will be at Livonia's Alfred Nobel Branch, 32901 Plymouth Rd, Livonia, MI 48150. Stop by for a visit and thank a 
librarian for the display! This monthly display is made possible by VIM board member
Cathy Leonard. 

Friday, July 14, 2006,  7:00 pm
MUGS & JUGS Billiards
Shoot pool or just shoot the breeze. Vegan burger available!
Plush Pockets, 28202 Dequindre Rd, Warren, MI. Located on the east side 
of Dequindre between 11 Mile and 12 Mile Roads, just south of the Krogers 
and the Universal Mall. Open to the public.
RSVP Peter at

Saturday, July 15, 2006, Noon
Potluck in the Park at Starr Jaycee Park in Royal Oak South side of W. 13 Mile Road, one long block east of Crooks Rd. (at 
the small shelter by the parking lot) The potluck will be followed by a Raw Foods uncooking demo, which will  start
at 1:00 and a naturalist to take us on a wild edibles walk after. The potluck gives you a chance to try delicious vegan foods, to learn new
recipes, to ask questions and to further your efforts to follow a  healthy plant-based diet. Bring a vegan dish to feed at least 6 to 8 people. 
Not sure what to bring? Try these ideas: bring a watermelon, make a fruit  or tossed salad, steam some vegetables or pick up vegan baked goods from a
natural foods store or bakery. Paper plates, plastic ware, and drinking water will be provided. Rain or Shine. All are welcome: curious 
meat-eaters, aspiring vegetarians, vegetarians and vegans. $2.00 for non-members. For further details, call 248-616-9676 or e-mail:

Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 11:15 am-12:15 pm
Achieving Optimal Health Lecture The foods we choose can dramatically affect our health, more than most
people know. Learn how to easily lose weight, prevent and reverse disease and bring vitality into your life. Hear the latest research in an
informative and entertaining fashion. You'll be happy that you came to  this lecture!
Jim Corcoran is president of Veggies In Motion 
( in
Detroit, Michigan and has a BS in Emergency Medicine. He is a certified fitness instructor and has been lecturing on plant-based nutrition for 
years. Jim is also the publisher of an on-line vegan lifestyle e-newsletter for the past 5 years.
Services for Older Citizens (SOC), 17150 Waterloo, Grosse Pointe, MI  48230,
313-882-9600. Open to the public.

Sunday, July 23, 2006, 1 pm
VEGAN Potluck and Video
After the potluck there will be a 1-hour video, Elimination and Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D. Since 1985, 
Dr. Esselstyn has conducted the longest running study which proves that heart disease can be arrested or reversed by a low fat, plant-based diet. 
VEGAN dish sized for 8 servings or a $7.50 donation. Unity of Livonia, 28660 5 Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48154 (Between 
Middlbelt and Inkster Road). Call Flo or Jerry at 313-541-0162 for additional information.

For the latest information and additional events visit


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PO Box 71311
Madison Heights, MI 48071

Veggies In Motion (VIM) is a Southeast Michigan nonprofit organization
promoting the awareness of the health, ecological and ethical 
of our food choices. We provide support to our members while reaching 
out to
educate the public about the many benefits of shifting towards a 

For membership visit: OR
mail a check for $20 Students / Seniors, $25 Singles Membership or $35
Family Membership made out to VIM, PO Box 71311, Madison Heights, MI
48071-0311. Thank you for your support! 

(c) 1999-2006 Veggies In Motion