Just a reminder. With the tremendous publicity generated by Paul and Heather McCartneys’ visit to the ice floes and their incredible appearance on Larry King Live, we stand on the threshold of that glorious day when the  barbaric Canadian seal slaughter becomes just a nightmarish memory.  As part of an international day of action, demonstrations will be held around the world to protest the massacre, and to promote the boycott of Canadian seafood in an economic campaign to compel the Canadian fishing industry, which conducts the massacre, to demand its abrupt end.  Compassionate metro Detroiters who are appalled by this abomination will have the opportunity to send a message that such cruelty can never be tolerated!


WHERE: Downtown Detroit at the entrance to the Detroit/Windsor Tunnel. Meet in front of the Mariners’ Church.


WHEN:   Wednesday, March 15th from 4:30pm-6:30pm


Signs will be provided, but participants are welcome and encouraged to create their own.   For more information, contact Darryl at darryl_braun@yahoo.com, or by phone at 313 565-7531.  Thank you for caring.