The obscene atrocity that is the annual barbaric Canadian seal slaughter is set to begin again off the eastern coast of Canada on March 15th.  This year, more than 350,000 seals, most only weeks old and still unable to swim or eat solid food, will be brutally shot or clubbed and often skinned alive before their helpless mothers’ eyes, their carcasses left to rot on the ice floes which run red with blood.   

It is more critical than ever that we force an immediate and permanent end to this massacre, as the seals face an additional catastrophic threat this season.  The waters where the seals whelp, usually clogged with ice this time of year, are barren.  This could bring about a tragedy equally as disastrous and heartbreaking as the slaughter itself. Without ice, thousands of pups will drown as their mothers frantically try to keep them afloat, or be born on shore where they will be vulnerable to attacks by dogs and unlicensed hunters. 

 As a result of Global Warming, this lack of ice will quite likely be an ongoing reality.  And worse yet, the quota for the massacre which the Canadian government will soon announce for the next few years will not take this ominous factor into account.  Hence, the official claims that the slaughter is sustainable are more dubious than ever, and extinction is becoming increasingly conceivable.

 An international day of action has been coordinated by organizations, such as the Humane Society of the United States, to mark the opening day of this barbaric atrocity.  Demonstrations will be held around the world to protest the massacre, and to promote the boycott of Canadian seafood in an economic campaign to compel the Canadian fishing industry, which conducts the massacre, to demand its abrupt end.  Compassionate metro Detroiters who are appalled by this abomination will have the opportunity to send a message that such cruelty can never be tolerated!

 WHERE: Downtown Detroit at the entrance to the Detroit/Windsor Tunnel. Meet in front of the Mariners’ Church.

 WHEN:   Wednesday, March 15th from 4:30pm-6:30pm

 Signs will be provided, but participants are welcome and encouraged to create their own.   For more information, contact Darryl at, or by phone at 313 565-7531.  Thank you for caring.