MUSKEGON COUNTY — A teenager from Muskegon who shot a bald eagle and chopped it up was sentenced on Wednesday.

17-year old Kyle Howell received 300 days in the county jail for killing a bald eagle in April of 2004.

Howell says he thought it was just a crow.

It happened along the Muskegon River in the state game area.

The judge told Howell he found it hard to believe he didn't realize the importance of bald eagles to the nation and the seriousness of the offense.

"Any juvenile who does this type of activity can be placed on notice that we will take it seriously and will charge accordingly and as in this case we charged him as an adult," said Muskegon Assistant Prosecutor Brett Gardner.

Another teenager, Ryan Armstrong was with Howell that day. He's also facing charges of killing a bald eagle, the 18-year-old is also facing up to four years in prison.

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