Subject: Lucy Case Before- Ginsberg DVM License Suspension Again- Michigan


Please visit Lucy's website for background information concerning Lucy in the case back in 1999-2001.

Also media updates to the recent client complaints leading to disciplinary action against Dr. Steven Ginsberg's license.  The Lucy site has been maxing out limit for views so please check back from time to time.  WOOD TV has a video (or did) on their website interviewing me to help educate the public concerning the difficulties on now to file such complaints and how to verify health care professional licenses.

 Media Source: WWMT NEWS 3:

Dr. Steven Ginsburg is accused of spaying a male kitten and trying to neuter a female. There is also an investigation into allegations that an animal suffered brain damage after he performed surgery. 


Media Source: WOOD TV NEWS 8: Steven Ginsberg, DVM found in violations of statutes of the Michigan Veterinary Practice Act.  Surgical Procedures on cats at Crestview Animal Hospital, Kalamazoo Michigan, constituted  "negligence", "incompetence", and showed lack of "good moral character".  In addition, Ginsberg "did not keep good records", and "blamed the pet owner" for what happen, according to the news report on Kalamazoo TV's station Live 8 news, Grand Rapids, Michigan.


Also more updated information here that you may find interesting at Veterinary Abuse Network:


Thank you

Lisa Marie