I am writing because U.S. Department of Agriculture might put all of your hard work to save horses from slaughter at risk, and we desperately need your help.

We had a remarkable year for horses during 2005. With help from dedicated advocates like you, we:

We all celebrated these tremendous victories as the year closed, anticipating that on March 10, 2006, horse slaughter in America would stop for the remainder of the year, paving the way for more progress and a permanent ban.

But now, the horse slaughter ban is in danger again and we need your help to save it!

Never did we imagine that the USDA, an administrative agency charged with carrying out Congress' will, might betray Congress and the Americans they represent. But it appears that the agency might try to side-step this new law by finding a way to continue inspections of horses for slaughter, and thereby continue its involvement with the cruel and un-American horse slaughter industry. The USDA is seriously considering a petition submitted by the foreign-owned slaughter plants that would create a whole new manner of paying for horse slaughter, an effort that directly undermines Congress' mandate.

Tell the USDA to respect the will of Congress and enforce the slaughter ban.

Americans don't eat horsemeat -- there simply is no domestic demand for it. But last year, more than 90,000 American horses were either killed in one of three foreign-owned slaughterhouses in the United States or shipped to Canada or Mexico for slaughter. Our thoroughbreds, show horses, mustangs, carriage horses, and family ponies are shipped in inhumane conditions and butchered.

This new development means that the thousands of horses who were to be spared are again at grave risk. We cannot let this happen. Take action today to help stop USDA from engaging in this inhumane slaughter for export.

1. Take action. Contact USDA Secretary Johanns and urge him to shut down this illegal and undemocratic usurpation of Congress' authority. Click here to contact USDA now.

2. Spread the word. The USDA needs to hear from as many Americans as possible. Ask your friends and family to contact them as well. Click here to tell five friends to take action now.

Knowing that thousands of our loyal and trusted companions have already been slaughtered is simply devastating. Please, stand with us and do everything you can to spare the lives of our horses. Together, we will stop this horrible practice.


Wayne Pacelle
President & CEO
The Humane Society of the United States

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