Anticipation is in the air.  The festive mood throughout our community is almost contagious.  Feasts are being planned, last minute shopping is being done, greeting cards are being addressed.  Here at the Michigan Humane Society, the anticipation is a little different.  For many of our residents, the holidays will be just another season of waiting...and hoping.  While our staff and volunteers work hard to make every day comfortable for the wonderful animals at our shelters, they need your help to provide what these little ones need most - a permanent, loving home!


Can we rely on you during this special season to remember those who cannot speak for themselves?  Your holiday gift will make a difference in the lives of these special animals.  Donate online today through our secure server.


We have provided shelter and care for over 78,000 animals so far this year, and each one has a unique personality and a special set of needs.  But they all have one need in common...a place to call home.

There's Otis who has been living at our facility for two months.  He was turned in to the shelter by his family because he was too active for them.  Rather than bringing him to an obedience training class, they brought the beautiful black Labrador mix to us.  With the loving support of one of our volunteer in-shelter dog trainers, Otis has learned good manners and even sits at the front of his kennel to greet visitors!  He sits...and he waits.

I suppose the holidays make most of us a little sentimental.  I am reminded of all the people and animals who have touched my life.  The Michigan Humane Society relies on support from our community.  Without the many caring people, our mission would be impossible!

As you deck the halls and gather your family for the holidays, please remember the Michigan Humane Society and the animals we care for throughout the year.  Please donate online today via our secure server. No gift is too small and each one is vitally important as we continue our work in the community.


Happy Holidays to you and your family from the staff, board of directors, volunteers...and the the Michigan Humane Society!


 Cal Morgan
Cal Morgan
Executive Director

P.S.  Your continued support is needed and greatly appreciated!