All Species Kinship (ASK) Action Alerts

ASK  is a 501 (c)(3) direct-outreach animal advocacy organization that assists all species of animals. All animals deserve to live free from exploitation. ASK offers programs for both wildlife and domestic animals.


*Arctic Refuge Update

*Demand That The Susan G. Komen Foundation Stop Animal Research-Action Alert

*Thanksgiving Vegan Recipe Ideas-link

*Trader Joes Eggs Update

*Ask President to Pardon Turkey's-Action Alert

*Stop Wild Birds From Ending Up on Pet Store Shelves-Quick Action Alert

*A.S.K. Fur Free Friday Demo


House Removes Arctic Refuge Drilling From Budget Bill


The House Rules Committee removed from the House Budget Reconciliation bill the provision that would have opened the Arctic Refuge to development. The provision that would have made it easier to drill for oil and gas in coastal areas currently off limits to development was also removed.

This is GREAT news, due in large part to your commitment and hard work. While this fight is not over, we wanted you to know immediately that important progress has been made.


Demand That The Susan G. Komen Foundation Stop Animal Research

Let The Susan G. Komen Foundation know that as long as it continues to waste valuable resources on go-nowhere animal research, you will not support it or any of its sponsors:

The Susan G. Komen Foundation
5005 LBJ Fwy., Ste. 250
Dallas, TX 75244
972-855-1605 (fax)
“Contact Us” form


Thanksgiving Vegan Recipe Ideas


Trader Joe's Egg Update

Thanks to the tireless efforts of activists around the country over the past four months, Trader Joe's has agreed to purchase only cage-free eggs for its own brand of eggs, which are sold in more than 200 stores nationwide. By taking action, you helped bring about significant improvements in the lives of an estimated 380,000 laying hens who produce more than 100 million eggs sold under the Trader Joe's brand each year.

Trader Joe's has agreed that within three months, all Trader Joe's brand eggs will be converted to cage-free eggs, and any egg promotions by Trader Joe's will be devoted solely to cage-free egg sales. While Trader Joe's stopped short of adopting a total cage-free egg policy, the company showed that it is serious about improving the lives of laying hens by taking a positive step that will have a meaningful effect on animal welfare. In response, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has agreed to place a moratorium on their No Battery Eggs campaign targeting the company.


Ask President to Pardon Turkey's-Action


Every year, the President "pardons" two turkeys in a made-for-TV ceremony just before Thanksgiving. It's a nice sentiment, but it's actually a death sentence for the birds, not a pardon. The birds are sent to a working farm that crowds them into a small shed and does not adequately care for them. The birds usually die within a few weeks or months.

Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary is just miles from the White House, and its turkeys live for years because they're given mental and physical stimulation as well as other animals to socialize with, and they are treated with tender loving care. Please tell President Bush to give the "pardoned" turkeys a true pardon by sending them to Poplar Spring from now on. You might tell him a bit about what wonderful animals turkeys really are  and point out that animals who have been pardoned by the leader of the free world deserve better than to die cold, lonely, and bored in a tiny shack on a working farm.
Please write to:
President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
202-456-2461 (fax)


Stop Wild Birds From Ending Up on Pet Store Shelves

Take Quick Action here:

Use this contact info to email Petsmart:

Don't support pet stores that sell live animals!


A.S.K. Fur Free Friday Demo

Join A.S.K. in educating the public about fur atrocities. Grab a sign and stand with other compassionate people to let your voice be heard! Animals suffer tremendously on fur farms-out of the site of consumers; it is our job to keep the public informed of their plight. All demo materials provided.

Demo Details:

Date: Friday November 25th

Time: 12:30 till 2pm

Location: Burtrum Furs, 5568 Beckley Road in Battle Creek

Contact if you plan to attend so that you can receive the details.


Sophia DiPietro
Executive Director
All Species Kinship (ASK)
P.O. Box 4055
Battle Creek, MI 49016

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
Martin Luther King