I'd like to tell you about a project FICAS is working on. We plan to spay/neuter 1,000 dogs and cats for low-income Ingham County residents by
Springtime in an effort to drastically reduce intake to the shelter.

There are so many animals right now (especially cats!) that we just can't keep up and give them all of the opportunities that they deserve. Similar programs have worked in other regions and I think its time we bring this to Ingham County! Our fundraising goal is $50,000 and with the help of our supporters and neighboring organizations we know we can do it! The project is going to require a lot of work though so we are going to need lots of help! We currently have a plan in place and just need to set it in motion, which we are starting to do today actually.

We would love to have you join us on the coordinating committee if you are available to help with this. We have lot of different areas that you could choose to assist with. We will be meeting once per week until our official launching of the project which will be December 5th.

 Please let me know if this is something you would be interested on working or hearing more information about because I would love to share this project with you. Even if you can't make the meeting (s) we still need assistance whenever people are available! Let me know what you think!:-)


Penelope Ann Tsernoglou <ptsernog@umich.edu>