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Help Stop Class B Animal Dealers

The Senate recently approved the FY 2007 Agriculture Appropriations bill (H.R. 2744) which includes an amendment (S.A. 1729) that will cut funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to laboratories and research institutions that buy animals from Class B Animal Dealers. These dealers are those who buy and re-sell cats and dogs to laboratories and who may obtain animals through ‘free to a good home’ ads, auctions, and animal shelters.

Animal research lobbyist groups, toxicologists, and others are rallying to remove this important amendment and legislators need to hear from you today!

The bill and the amendment are currently under consideration by a conference committee consisting of members from both the House and the Senate. Please call each of these members and tell them that you support S.A. 1729, an amendment to the Agriculture Appropriations bill. If you are a constituent of any of these members, please also note that when you call. To find your names of your legislators, visit:www.vote-smart.org.

Likely members of the FY06 Agriculture Appropriations Bill Conference Committee:


Representative Henry Bonilla, (R-TX) Chairman - (202) 225-4511
Representative Rosa L. DeLauro, (D-CT) Ranking Member - (202) 225-3661
Representative Rodney Alexander, (R-LA) - (202) 225-8490
Representative Allen Boyd, (D-FL) - (202) 225-5235
Representative John Doolittle, (R-CA) - (202) 225-6511
Representative Jo Ann Emerson, (R-MO) - (202) 225-4404
Representative Sam Farr, (D-CA) - (202) 225-2861
Representative Virgil Goode, (R-VA) - (202) 225-4711
Representative Jack Kingston, (R-GA) - (202) 225-5831
Representative Tom Latham, (R-IA) - (202) 225-5476
Representative Ray LaHood, (R-IL) Vice Chair- (202) 225-6201
Representative Marcy Kaptur, (D-OH) - (202) 225-4146
Representative Maurice D. Hinchey, (D-NY) - (202) 225-6535


Senator Robert Bennett, (R-UT) Chairman - (202) 224-5444
Senator Herb Kohl, (D-WI) Ranking Member - (202) 224-5653
Senator Christopher Bond, (R-MO) - (202) 224-5721
Senator Sam Brownback, (R-KS) - (202) 224-6521
Senator Conrad Burns, (R-MT) - (202) 224-2644
Senator Thad Cochran, (R-MS) - (202) 224-5054
Senator Larry Craig, (R-ID) - (202) 224-2752
Senator Byron Dorgan, (D-ND) - (202) 224-2551
Senator Richard Durbin, (D-IL) - (202) 224-2152
Senator Dianne Feinstein, (D-CA) - (202) 224-3841
Senator Tom Harkin, (D-IA) - (202) 224-3254
Senator Tim Johnson, (D-SD) - (202) 224-5842
Senator Mary Landrieu, (D-LA) - (202) 224-5824
Senator Mitch McConnell, (R-KY) - (202) 224-2541
Senator Arlen Specter, (R-PA) - (202) 224-4254




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