

here is my letter to the editor in today's paper:

County's open meeting became less than open

RIVES JUNCTION -- The committee of the whole county commission meeting on Sept. 29 began at 4 p.m. Those supporting stopping the sale of shelter pets were told to be there at 5:30 p.m. because our topic would be discussed at 5:45. I was given a cell phone number to call in case the front door to the tower building was locked. Myself and two other volunteers found the door locked at 5:15. I tried the cell phone number twice but got voice mail instead. We were very frustrated -- we wanted to get there early so we would observe the new format of this type of meeting.

If another volunteer hadn't left the meeting to see where we were and let us in, we could have missed the meeting! How many people from our side may have tried to get into the meeting but couldn't because the door was locked? What about other citizens? The clock in the meeting room said 5:35 when I arrived -- so the three of us were locked out for 20 minutes from a public meeting!

What about the Open Meeting Act? Regardless of how this happened, this situation needs to change so that citizens can attend a public meeting. If anyone tried to get into the meeting but could not, please contact me.

The purpose of our organization is pet safety and welfare, including stopping the sale of shelter pets to research. Stopping pound seizure is not about animal rights or animal research -- it is about pet safety and improving a community by reducing dog bites and stray pets and helping law enforcement. We are a legal nonprofit. For more information call 783-3701 or .

-- Judy Dynnik

executive director, JCVAP