Dissection-Choice Policy in MI

HB 4254 would allow K-12 students in Michigan learn about anatomy without dissecting animals if the students oppose dissection for ethical reasons. 

UPDATE: HB 4254 is stuck in the Education Committee right now.  Representative Brian Palmer, the Education Committee Chair, has not scheduled the bill for a hearing so it can be voted on in committee and hopefully passed out of committee for a full House vote.  The Republican Party of Michigan decided they now can consider Democrat sponsored bills, so it’s an even better time to take action.  Now is the time to push this bill!

Please write letters to BOTH your representative and to Representative Brian Palmer.  If you’ve already sent a letter, send another one!

Talking Points: This bill would simply give students the choice to not perform dissection-it is not an all-out ban on dissection. Students can learn more and have materials to study from if they chose to use lab books and/or computer models. Computer models are more extensive than actually dissecting and provide interactive study tools. Animal Learn makes cd-roms available free of charge to students. *I have a degree in science and have used these for even college-level courses with success. If you have a personal experience using alternatives, mention it.

1.Find your Rep here: www.house.mi.gov

2.Write a polite letter to Representative Palmer.
Representative Brian Palmer
S0885 House Office Building
P.O. Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Fax:  517-373-5892

3.Write a letter to the editor of your local paper in support of HB 4254.  In your letter to the editor, urge people to contact Rep. Palmer to pass the bill out of committee.

The letter, “Let Legislators Vote on Dissection,” was published in the October 6th article of The Kalamazoo Gazette.  Let’s keep this issue alive by sending a letter to the editor.  Say that you enjoyed the October 6th letter and then give more information why a dissection student policy would be a beneficial law in Michigan.  Close by saying pressure should be put on Representative Palmer to schedule HB 4254 for a committee hearing.  For some talking points on dissection, go to http://www.walklightly.org/dissection.htm.  Let me know if your letter is printed!

Send a letter to the Kalamazoo Gazette:  http://www.mlive.com/mailforms/kzgazette/letters/index.ssf

Let legislators vote on dissection- October 6, 2005

Currently, students opposed to dissection in Michigan often risk getting lower grades for following their conscience. Dissection-choice laws give students the right to learn the course material using humane alternatives such as interactive computer simulations and models, in which students learn as well as or better than those using animals.

Luckily, HB 4254, a bill that would allow K-12 students the option to do an alternative to dissection, has been introduced in the Michigan House. Unfortunately, Rep. Brian Palmer, R-Romeo, chair of the Michigan House Education Committee, is not allowing the bill out his committee.

I hope Rep. Palmer will allow the student-choice dissection bill out of the Education Committee so all of the representatives can vote on the issue like a democratic society. Michigan should follow the lead of many other states that have passed similar legislation.

Ginger Miller