It is a challenging time right now for all of us who are working to protect animals from suffering. While The HSUS continues our rescue and relief operations in response to Hurricane Katrina, we are also working to ensure the passage of legislation to end the slaughter of America's horses. We need your help to save tens of thousands of horses from slaughter this year.

There are two things you can do over the next few days to help protect these majestic creatures:

First, contact your two U.S. Senators immediately at 202-224-3121 and ask them to support the Ensign-Byrd Agriculture Appropriations Amendment to ban horse slaughter. The Senate will vote on this amendment as soon as this Tuesday, September 20. (The vote was originally scheduled for this week but has been postponed.)
Second, please help us by attending a party in your community this Sunday to help save America's horses. We have more than 100 hosts across the country who will be welcoming animal advocates dedicated to protecting horses from slaughter, with the goal of helping to raise funds needed to pass this vital horse slaughter legislation. Simply click here to RSVP to a party in your area today.

Parties will feature a conference call with HSUS President & CEO Wayne Pacelle and Congressman Ed Whitfield (R-KY). Also, hosts will be able to show a video and pass out important information about our efforts to help save horses from slaughter for human consumption.

These next couple weeks will be critical to our efforts to stop the slaughter of these beautiful horses and your participation in a house party will help us move even closer to victory.

Thank you for all you do on behalf of animals and I hope you'll join advocates nationwide for a party with a purpose this Sunday, September 18!


Mike Markarian
Humane Society Legislative Fund

P.S. Donations to the Humane Society Legislative Fund are used exclusively to press for laws to protect animals from cruelty and are therefore are not tax-deductible.

Having trouble clicking on the links above?  You can R.S.V.P. to party in your area by cutting and pasting this URL into your web browser: