Hello All:

We now have plans to stage a demo prior to Captain Watson's speaking engagement on Sunday, September 18th.  The demo will be held at the Red Lobster restaurant at 2420 Carpenter Rd. in Ann Arbor, just down the street from the Pease Auditorium where Captain Watson's lecture will be given.  The demo will take place from 11:30am-12:30pm.  We will have signs and banners, but you are encouraged to create your own signs.  Signs should encourage passersby to boycott Canadian seafood to save the seals, or invite Red Lobster to join the boycott.

Captain Paul Watson will be joining us at the demo.  Let's show him that Michigan is committed to ending this annual abomination by coming out in force to both the demo and his lecture.  Invite friends, family and acquaintances.  Between the demo and the lecture, you may wish to grab a bite to eat. We encourage you to head down Washtenaw Ave. to the Ann Arbor Whole Foods.  Unlike Red Lobster, Whole Foods is participating in the boycott.   Let's show our support for a 'corporation with compassion'. 

A map is included below, and if you need more info, please refer the address to map-quest.  Thank you all for caring.  We hope to see you at both the demo and Captain Watson's lecture at 2:00pm at the Pease Auditorium on the campus of EMU.  Please pass this on to others who might be interested.

For the seals,


