
*What is the Vegetarian Beef About World Hunger?

*Important Information on Produce Stickers

*Circus Demo Alert Plainwell, MI Update

* Local Fair Display's Exotic Tiger

*Keep An Eye Out For Animals in Vehicles

*Upcoming Demos

*ASK's Happy Rescue Briefs

*ASK Tabling at Le Tigre



What is the Vegetarian Beef About World Hunger?

Within this country alone, if Americans reduce the amount of meat consumption by just 10%, it would free up enough land to grow 12 million tons of grain - enough to save the millions of children and adults starving to death on our planet each year.

          Visit to learn more.


Important Information on Produce Stickers

Those little stickers on fruit and vegetables contain different PLU codes depending on whether the fruit was conventionally grown, organically grown or genetically modified. The PLU code for conventionally grown fruit consists of four numbers, organically grown fruit has five numbers prefaced by the number nine (9), and GM fruit has five numbers prefaced by the number eight (8).


Circus Demo Plainwell, MI

Super BIG thanks to all of the activists who attended the Carson and Barnes demo in Plainwell, MI! We were successful in getting practically every car entering to take literature on Carson and Barnes animal abuse! Thanks to all of you who contacted the sponsor, the Otsego Chamber of Commerce. Although this small community appears to still be adamant about supporting animal abuse, hopefully they will remember the "headaches" they got from all of us contacting them in opposition...AND we plan to keep reminding them that there is simply no excuse for circus animal abuse!


Local Fair Display's Exotic Tiger

"Mohan the White Tiger" is being dragged around from venue to venue this season. Please contact the Branch County fair manager and ask that exotic animals NOT be used as cheap fair entertainment. Visit    for facts and background on traveling roadside zoos.


General Line: 517-278-5367

Fax: 517-278-3719

Fair Manager: Jan Murphy


Keep An Eye Out For Animals in Vehicles

During the “dog days” of summer, common sense sometimes flies out those “slightly cracked” windows—and dogs end up paying with their lives. Many people unwittingly contribute to animal suffering by leaving their companion animals in hot cars or chained outside. The temperature inside a parked car can climb to well above 100°F in a matter of minutes. Beating the heat is especially tough for dogs because their skin has no pores, and they can only cool themselves by panting and sweating through their paw pads. If you ever see a dog in a parked car, take down the car’s color, model, make, and license-plate number, have the owner paged inside the building or call local humane authorities or police immediately, and stay with the dog until the situation is resolved. Don’t be afraid to be pushy and don’t count on someone else to take care of the situation! A life may depend on you.


Upcoming Demos

Please consider taking a little time out of your day to speak out on behalf of circus animal suffering! The following demos are all for Carson and Barnes who has a notorious rap sheet of animal abuse. Please visit  to learn more about Carson and Barnes and to watch the video of their trainer beating elephants into submission. These are demos that you do not want to miss!! The ones with asterisks indicate ASK's attendance.

Date: 8/10**

Demo Start Times: email us for this info

Location: Eaton Co. 4-H Fairgrounds, Charlotte, MI


Date: 8/11**

Demo Start Time: 3:30 AND 6:30pm

Location: Hudson Mills MetroPark, 8801 N. Territorial Road, Dexter, MI  48130


Date: 8/12

Demo Start Time: 3:30 AND 6:30

Location: Lake Eerie Metropark, 32481, W. Jefferson, Brownstown, MI 48173


Date: 8/13

Demo Start Time: 1:00 AND 6pm

Location: Metro Beach, 31300 Metro Parkway, Mt.Clemens, MI 48046


Date: 8/14

Demo Start Time:12:30 AND 3:30

Location: Stony Creek Metropark, 4300 Main Park Road, Shelby Township, MI 48316


ASK's Happy Rescues Briefs

At the request of many ASK supporters we have decided to share some of our local, happy rescue stories in each alert that we send. Believe it or not, as strange as it may sound or seem, ASK rescues a mix of diverse species of animals on a WEEKLY basis-literally, from bats to rats to pigs to cats! As a direct-outreach organization, ASK is here to directly come to the aid of any animal in need, and we are trained by the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council to assist even wild animals, with their, well, wildest needs. Follows are two exciting, uplifting rescue briefs:

RunAway Pig: It took 4 ASK members and 3 hours to "round-up" a scared, neglected pig this week. The pig had been on the loose for a week and had been sited by many concerned people running down major roads. Eventually ASK was contacted to come to the pig's rescue. After a lot of patience, hiding and luring with yummy muffins, the pig was captured and is now enjoying organic foods at her new vegan home.  

Injured Swan: ASK was contacted by a lake resident to investigate why an adult female swan, with babies, was unable to walk and swam strangely. ASK members used a boat to catch a glimpse of the swan and found that she was severly tangled in fishing line and was even dragging a bright lure around in the water. ASK's waterfowl expert dove 10 feet off of the side of the boat while accuratley netting the swan while keeping her head above the water, swimming with her in hand another 10 feet to the shore to further assess the injury. Upon close inspection, all of the fishing line was removed, including a huge hook that was pierced through the swan's leg. Luckily the swan was able to be released back to her awaiting family within minutes, as the injury was noticed soon enough preventing premanent damage or serious injury.


ASK Tabling At Le Tigre

ASK will be offering tons of free animal rights literature and fun stickers at Le Tigre's performance in Detroit, THIS SUNDAY!

Support a great band like Le Tigre by coming to the show at St. Andrew's Hall in Detroit! Visit Le Tigre online at

These musicians continually support AR activists and PETA, so please show them that you appreciate it!


Sophia DiPietro
Executive Director
All Species Kinship (ASK)
P.O. Box 4055
Battle Creek, MI 49016

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.
Martin Luther King