Dear Friends,


As the date is quickly approaching, as program coordinator for International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR), I wanted to contact your organization to see if you would be interested in participating in our now internationally recognized Homeless Animals' Day.


As a brief introduction, National Homeless Animals' Day was created and sponsored by ISAR beginning in 1992 as a way to bring public attention to all of the animals that sit in shelters waiting to be adopted, millions of whom die annually simply because there are not enough homes for them, and the desperate need to spay/neuter to bring an end to the killing.


National Homeless Animals' Day is always observed as the 3rd Saturday in August, this year being August 20, 2005.  Organizations around the globe are very creative in finding new ways each year to mark the day: everything from open house at their shelter, mobile adoptions, spay/neuter or vaccination clinics, pet walks and days at the park, to full fledged candlelight vigils.  It is up to each participant to decide what would work best in their individual situation.  There is no set way; anyway which will call attention to the overwhelming need to adopt, spay/neuter, and educate the public.


Last year more than 39 US states and 24 countries around the globe participated in Homeless Animals' Day.  Combined attendance on events that coordinators reported back to us was well in excess of 10,000 attendees and 100’s of organizations.  This year our goal is for all 50 states to be represented and our international presence to grow. We truly hope you will consider participating in anyway you can in your individual community.


You can read more about International Society for Animal Rights at: or more specifically about last year's National Homeless Animals' Day at:



ISAR offers free planning packets to all who are interested in coordinating an event.  If you would like to participate, please email me your postal mailing address and I will send a free kit out to you just as soon as they are ready.  My direct email address is:


Again, I thank you in advance for your time and consideration and sincerely look forward to hearing back from you.


For the Animals,


Amy Cleveland

Program Coordinator