Michigan Senators Needed to Support Antifreeze Bill

Please help in pushing Congress to pass the Antifreeze Bittering Act (S. 1110). Last November, the Senate commerce committee approved S. 1110, and it now awaits action by the full Senate. We expect a hearing in the House subcommittee in March or April.

But much more needs to be done! Our immediate need is to build up support in the Senate. Use the link below to send a letter asking Senators Carl Levin (D) and Debbie Stabenow (D) to cosponsor the antifreeze bittering bills.


Why Antifreeze Legislation is Important

Without the safeguard afforded by this legislation, animals continue to die from ingesting antifreeze, and not all of these deaths are accidental. Since last year we have seen many news stories about animals deliberately poisoned with antifreeze. A number of human deaths have also been attributed to antifreeze. We must make this product a less attractive "weapon." There is little time to get bills passed in what remains of the 109th Congress.

Talking Points

Click on the link above to contact your Senators right away. Here are additional points you can make in your letter:

<< The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Pet Food Institute, and many animal welfare groups endorse this bill.

<< 3 states already have their own laws and more are considering them. A uniform federal standard protecting all children and animals would be better.

<< The U.S. Conference of Mayors has urged Congress to require the addition of DB to antifreeze.

<< DB does not cause engine corrosion.