(To state the obvious- we are condemning- not condoning this event)

Jan 20, 2005

Michigan Predator Hunt 2005

Caller's Pride Michigan Predator Hunt 2005 Team Competition which is held at NettieBay Lodge, Hawks Michigan. Register by January 10th and receive a free hat, register by mail, phone or on-line at www.callerspride.com . You may even register at Jay's Sporting Goods, Clare or Gaylord Location, Thursday night, January 20th (by) 7pm. This event is a state-wide preditor hunting competition. Several release points across the state including both Jays locations. With Jays Sporting Goods, Clare location, being the southern most release point. A special note: Jays Sporting Goods own Blaine Bailer will be a featured speaker. Blaine will be answering all your preditor hunting questions from 5pm to 6pm on Thursday January 20th. For more information contact Mark Schuler @ 1-989-734-4688.
