248) 616-9676

PO Box 71311, Madison Heights, MI 48071


News For Life Events Updates Bulletin Classifieds

News For Life

Michael Downey
Controversy follows nature’s perfect food, but don't buy in to it!

Perhaps, in these distrustful times, a backlash was to be expected: Thirty years after being introduced as a “miracle food” in North America—and 5,000 years after its discovery in Asia as an important source of protein—the once-unassuming soybean is suddenly a subject of controversy.


It is 60 years since the first vegan society was formed in England, and the word “vegan” coined by Donald Watson. Since that small beginning, people there and in other countries have adopted a lifestyle that promises to provide abundantly for all. A world-wide celebration will take place on or about November 1 and events are listed at www.worldveganday.com 

Letter from the Author Erik Marcus

Thanks again for hosting my event in Detroit. I had a marvelous time and I think you did an amazing job of organizing it. If you feel like it's worth mentioning, I'd really appreciate any publicity you could give Meat Market. I'm now selling discounted signed copies direct from http://Vegan.com.  I deeply respect all the work you're doing for the animals in Detroit, and I hope we meet up again before too long. I also hope you enjoyed Meat Market. Let me know what you think. Finally, you might enjoy my new radio show. Check out Vegan.com for details.  Erik


Now you can print your own vegan food guide with a daily plan for healthy eating. Complements of EarthSave International, John Borders and artist Dave Brousseau. http://www.veggiesinmotion.org/vegan food guide.pdf

Bush vs. Kerry—on the Environment

When the Bush administration issued an important change in policy recently, virtually acknowledging that global warming is real, it was news to President George W. Bush, who was unaware that any new program had been announced. Earlier, he had dismissed another global warming report from his own administration as "from the bureaucracy." http://www.emagazine.com/view/?2080 


This sugar substitute is derived from the South American plant rebaudiana and is a wonderful alternative.  It is estimated to be 300 times sweeter than sugar. It is widely available in different forms, including fresh and dried leaves, green powder, white stevia extract and liquid concentrates. In addition to being a superior sweetener, research has shown it is beneficial for diabetes, weight loss, tooth decay and possibly even high blood pressure and conditions associated with aging. For more information go to: http://www.healthfree.com/stevia1.htm 

The Plant Prescription for Human Health
by Jim Corcoran

Throughout our lives here in America, we are taught that meat, dairy, eggs and fish are necessary for health. We’re led to believe that these foods contain essential nutrients that we can’t get from plant-based sources. But today’s science tells us this notion is not only absurd--it is dangerous. The fact is that all animal foods contain high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol and, to varying degrees, pathogens, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, viruses and other unhealthy components. To top it all off, they have no fiber. However, these animal products are even more sinister than most of us realize. 
See complete write up here: http://www.veggiesinmotion.org/news/archives/1104.pdf
This article can also be read in the November 2004 issue of Natural Awakenings* magazine

*Natural Awakenings™ of Southeast Michigan is a rapidly growing, locally owned magazine reaching over 50,000 readers each month from over 500 locations.

Dr. Michael Greger's rebuttal to the Atkins Corporation's legal threat

The Atkins Corporation is threatening to sue me for daring to speak out against the Atkins Diet on my website http://www.AtkinsFacts.org. But I will not be intimidated; I will not be bullied into silence by Atkins and their corporate lawyers.  Instead, I've posted their entire legal threat letter online for all to see, accompanied by a point-by-point rebuttal,  I've reprinted the main threads of the back-and-forth with the Atkins Corporation (their words are indented) at: http://www.atkinsexposed.org/atkins/135/Corporate_Threat.htm 

One Out of Every Four College Students Wants Vegan Meals
According to ARAMARK Nationwide Survey

Distributed by Business Wire 

According to ARAMARK’s recent nationwide survey completed by over 100,000 college students, nearly a quarter said finding vegan meals on campus was important to them. Vegan dishes contain no meat, fish, poultry or other products derived from animals such as dairy, eggs or honey.  As a result, ARAMARK (NYSE:RMK) has added dozens of vegan menu items as part of the company’s innovative and flexible Just4U™ menu program, available on nearly two dozen ARAMARK-managed college campuses this fall. See complete write up here: http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20041019005105&newsLang=en 

Earth Friendly Hair products & They're Vegan!
by PureOlogy products

Our commitment is to make the finest prestige products that are good for you and safe for the environment. Our 100% vegan formulas contain absolutely no animal ingredients and are biodegradable. Our containers are recyclable wherever possible and all PureOlogy products are created with respect for future generations.  http://pureology.com/

Veg Video Site

VegVideo creates television shows that can be run by individuals on local cable access stations.  VegVideo is a television show that educates the public about the realities of factory farming and the alternative of a compassionate vegetarian diet. Airing documentaries, interviews and investigations, VegVideo shows the extent of mistreatment that occurs inside factory farms. Over 10 billion animals are killed for food every year in the U.S. and the stories of their suffering are seldom told.  http://www.vegvideo.org/

alternative to dissection in Michigan classrooms

From: William P. McMullin
I have convinced Michigan Representative Alexander Lipsey to introduce a bill in Michigan to allow K-12 students the right to an alternative to dissection in the classroom. Many other states now have student choice dissection policies.  To take action on this issue: http://www.rso.wmich.edu/spa/dissection.htm

36th World Vegetarian Congress in Brazil

This world meeting of vegetarians is promoted by the International Vegetarian Union together with the Brazilian Vegetarian Society. Florianópolis will host lecturers, researchers and supporters from all over the world, followers of a lifestyle already widely accepted in Brazil. More and more people are becoming aware that vegetarianism is not only a healthy and nutritional choice, but an excellent means of safeguarding natural resources, avoiding deforestation, and environmental pollution. It also benefits the animals, our companions on this planet. Be part of this world: 8 - 14th November 2004...Booking closes on October 30 - so if you haven't booked yet, do it now! http://www.ivu.org/congress/2004

Suzy Says- Dairy products are addictive...is that true? S. G. Sikora
Susankay's Vegan Kitchen
- Pumpkin Bread-Susan Kline
Englandgal's Book Pick-Low-Carb Vegetarian: Meatless alternatives for popular low-carb diets-Margo DeMello

VIM's public outreach & Events
For Regional Calendar of Events

Veggies In Motion will have a display at the Royal Oak Public Library,
222 East Eleven Mile Road, (248) 246-3700, for the entire month of November!

11/4, Thursday, 7:30 PM, VIM raw food potluck, Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia. Contact Jerry or Flo @ (313) 541-0162

11/8, Monday, 7 PM, "Saving the Planet One Bite at a Time," Jim and Meriam Corcoran join with the Sierra Club to prepare three delicious vegan dishes. Learn how to save the planet with only a fork (you may want to use a spoon to get every last bite). Everyone is invited and it's free of charge! 100 North Crooks Road, Suite #105, Clawson, MI 48017. Call 248-435-5277 or e-mail melissa.damaschke@sierraclub.org

11/9, Tuesday, 7 PM, Veggies In Motion board meeting in Madison Heights. (248) 616-9676

11/12, Friday, 7 PM, VIM, Mugs & Jugs, Come out and have some fun at Plush Pockets on Dequindre between 11 and 12 Mile (next to Krogers). Dine on a vegan burger and shoot some pool, or just shoot the breeze. Peter: peter.fulda@us.bosch.com

11/13, Saturday, 7 PM, VIM Dinner Club, PF Chang's China Bistro, 2801 W. Big Beaver, Troy, at Somerset Mall South. Delicious vegan lettuce wraps and eight vegan entrees to choose from, including coconut-curry vegetables, vegetable chow fun and ma po tofu, all served with brown rice.  RSVP Roger: rajgoly@yahoo.com or call him at 586-755-9633

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PO Box 71311
Madison Heights, MI 48071


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