(248) 616-9676

VIM, PO. Box  PO Box 71311, Madison Heights, MI 48071

News For Life Events Updates Bulletin Classifieds

News For Life

Fall 2004 “Food For Life” Classes - Call a Friend and Sign Up Today!

Vegan Diet Proves Its Acceptability
A new study shows that a major diet overhaul is easier than most people might have imagined. The study, funded by The Cancer Project of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, included 64 overweight, postmenopausal women who were randomly assigned to either a low-fat, vegan diet or a more conventional low-fat diet following the guidelines of the National Cholesterol Education Program. After 14 weeks, the vegan group lost significantly more weight (13 pounds, compared to 8 pounds for the low-fat group). The current report, however, focused on the diets’ acceptability. Using quantitative questionnaires, the researchers asked the participants how well they liked their new diets, how easy they were to prepare, how much effort they required, and other questions about the adaptation process. Overall, both groups gave their assigned diets high marks. While some might imagine a vegan diet to be Spartan, it was reported to be “good,” “moderately good,” or “extremely good” by 93% of participants. The vegan participants did find that their meals required more preparation than did a totally unrestricted diet. The low-fat group reported increasing “dietary restraint,” suggesting they were somewhat perturbed by the diet’s requirements, but the vegan group reported no such change. Both groups had diminished hunger on their assigned diets, compared to their usual diets, and the vegans, in particular, reported weight loss and increased energy. The researchers concluded that the acceptability of the low-fat, vegan diet was high, and not demonstrably different from that of a more moderate low-fat diet. Here is the reference:  Barnard ND, Scialli, Turner-McGrievy GM, Lanou AJ. Acceptability of a very-low-fat, vegan diet compares favorably to a more moderate low-fat diet in a randomized, controlled trial. J Cardiopulm Rehab 2004;24:229-35. For information about nutrition and health, please visit

Eggs and Death Michael Greger, M.D.
Women who eat an egg a day seem significantly more likely to die prematurely than women who only eat an egg or two a week says a new study published last month in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition which followed over 5000 women for 14 years. Given the cholesterol load in eggs this is perhaps not surprising, but even when researchers controlled for cholesterol levels they still found a significantly increased total mortality in daily (compared to weekly) egg eaters. The increased mortality seemed to be coming from a tendency towards more strokes, heart disease and cancer in the egg eaters.[27]  Men in the study did not seem to be at higher risk, however. The researchers attribute this to men's higher cholesterol (meat) consumption in general, which would tend to dilute out the effect of the "eggstra" cholesterol. Indeed the American Egg Board is quick to point out studies showing that Americans seem to eat so much meat that adding an egg on top of the mix might not bump mortality higher than it already is.[28] What this new research suggests, however, is that those who tend to have low cholesterol intake (like vegetarians) would benefit most from eliminating eggs from their diet.

Eating to Save the Planet Maida Genser
A hundred years ago or so, you did not go to the grocery store to buy food. Instead, you grew it, gathered it, or caught it yourself. Not only was your food healthier for you, but it was also a lot healthier for the planet.

Hungry world 'must eat less meat'- BBC News Online 
People will need to eat more vegetables and less meat because of dwindling water supplies, scientists say.

Super Organics Richard Manning
Agriculture is one of the most ill-conceived human endeavors. We plow down stable communities of hundreds of species of plants to get single-row crops. We replace entire ecosystems with pesticides, fertilizers, precious fresh water, and tractor emissions. Then, after every harvest, we start all over again. Organic agriculture breaks this cycle. But it's just a Band-Aid on the wound. Add the knowledge and tools of biotechnology, though, and we are on the verge of something enormous.

From: Jim McNellis
For those of you who haven't yet seen Woody Harrelson's site, it's pretty cool:

Crimes Unseen Dena Jones
The dark story of America's big slaughterhouses, and the effort to make their grim work more humane.  To satisfy the the public's ever-growing appetite for meat, slaughterhouses in the United States killed ten billion animals last year. That's 27,397,260 animals every day, 1,141,553 every hour, 19,026 every minute.

Media Release Launch of
The facts about vegetarian and meat-based cat and dog diets! The number of people who have become vegetarian for the sake of the animals, the environment, or their health, is very large. The amount of good this has done is barely calculable. Yet most of these caring people nevertheless continue to feed their companion animals meat-based diets, in many cases causing as much harm as if they themselves ate meat (the average medium-sized dog or three cats consumes roughly the same quantity of meat as a human)...Dr. Andrew Knight-Veterinarian and Animal Advocate.

Animal Consultants International
Expert assistance for animal protection campaigns worldwide-Frustrated at not being heard by legislators, reporters, and the public? Want to give your message some extra clout? Need an expert on animal experimentation, vegetarianism or another animal protection issue? How about an animal-friendly speaker, writer, researcher or computer specialist? We are an internationally-based group of animal-friendly experts who can offer unbeatable credibility to back up your message, and specialized skills and knowledge to maximize the effectiveness of your animal protection campaign.

FROM: Andrea
Dear VIM: Please ask members to write and thank Detroit zoo director Ron Kagan on his decision to have the elephants Wanda and Winky retire to an elephant sanctuary and lead the rest of their lives in peace.

Please Help Restore the Protection of Michigan's Bird of Peace!
In June of this year, disregarding the wishes of the majority of Michigan residents, the legislature approved and Governor Granholm signed House Bill 5029 that allows the recreational shooting of mourning doves for the first time in Michigan in 99 years. This means that millions of gentle mourning doves could be needlessly killed because of their new classification. We need your help to collect nearly 225,000 signatures through an all-volunteer effort to qualify a referendum for the 2006 ballot.

This flash movie is innovative and humorous, and it provides an important message about compassion.  Please watch this, and send it to your friends!

We have a number of opportunities coming up to learn to table for VIM (not to mention people, animals and the planet) and we need volunteers. Everyone who has done this fun, important and easy job has indicated they will do it again, but we want even more people involved. We have 2 tablings on the same day in September and we need your help! Pick one or more dates, times and events and let us know what you will do. Contact Meriam to volunteer (248) 616-9676 or (248) 990-4544
Here's what's coming up:

(Near Forrest and Third in Detroit.
9/11/04, Saturday, 11 AM - 11 PM
NOTE: We tabled here last year and had a blast!
Volunteer hours available: 10:30-3, 3-7, or 7-11

(Flushing near Flint)
9/11 & 9/12/04, Saturday 10 am to 6 pm & Sunday 11 am to 5 pm.
NOTE: We had so much success at the other one last year we 
decided to table at this one too!
Volunteer hours available: Sat. 9:30-2 or 2-6. Sun. 10:30-2 or 2-5.

(Springfield Oaks Park, Davisburg near Holly)
9/25/04, Saturday, 9 AM - 6 PM.
NOTE: VIM was a welcomed sight for many visitors to this festival last year!
Volunteer hours available: Sat. 8:30-1 or 1-6

VIM Bumper Sticker Contest!
Have you got a great idea for a veggie bumper sticker? Now is the time to dust it off and submit it. VIM is holding a contest for the best original (no copies please) ideas for a sticker. Winners will get 1) their slogan printed on a vinyl sticker 2) a car wash by the VIM Board of Directors and 3) receive a full assortment of VIM stickers! OK, so your idea won't be worth millions of dollars, but it will help raise funds and get our name out to the public. Please submit your ideas by replying to this email newsletter, along with your name before October 1st 2004. Winners will be announced later this fall.

Ann Arbor Art Fair Thank You!
It was wonderful to have so many people come forward to help out with preparation and outreach this year at the Ann Arbor Art Fair! Several people worked at a beading party to create beautiful "go veg" and "vegan" bracelets that were offered for sale at our booth. Others volunteered time to set up and/or staff the booth during the fair. Our many thanks go to all of these volunteers: Russ Hagy for attending AAAF meetings, completing paperwork, storing and assembling the booth, collecting the sales box each day and delivering it each morning, helping to disassemble the booth, and all the other little things I don't even know about. A job well done!  Jim Richardson, for helping Russ assemble the booth and then coming back and working two shifts on different days. We are indebted!  Flo and Jerry Schneble, for hosting the bracelet beading party and for working two shifts on different days. You guys are always there! Also, Jerry created and printed our beautiful new banner.  Laura Rowlson for working two shifts on different days.  Meriam Corcoran for scheduling the volunteers, working two shifts and buying supplies and working on the beading party (and for putting up with me!).  Roger Beauchemin for working a shift and helping at the beading party.  Novices Cyndi Summers, Pat Cason, Doug Merenda, Ralph Thomas, Stephanie Sczomak and Andrea Balibay for working a shift. We look forward to working with you again!  Oldies Chuck Rowlson, Libby Neumaier, Petter Fulda, Lisa Lobato, and Dean Durant for pitching in again this year and working a shift.  Wendy Jones, Jenney Gordon, Michelle Brown and Grace Tocco for helping the others to create all those wonderful beaded bracelets.  Without volunteers like those above we could never reach so many people about the wonders of plant-based foods. Thank you all again!!!
P.S. Someone left a red water bottle in the booth, so let us know who it owns it.

VIM Retreat Highlights
40 people participated in this year's VIM Retreat and nature served up a perfect weekend at what most would consider a near-perfect venue, The Tibbits Nature Sanctuary and Land Stewardship Center.  Starting things off was a fabulous lunch of Gazpacho soup, French bread, Indonesian rice salad, and hummus and veggies served under the pavilion.  Afterward, Kerrie Saunders rose and mesmerized us with all of the latest research on plant-based foods. It was one of the most inspiring talks I have heard in a long time. Other classes included Jerry and Flo Schneble preparing some delicious raw foods, and Matt and Lori Hackett leading two groups out to find and identify many edible wild plants (some were even harvested to add to the evening meal). Throughout the weekend people swam, canoed, hiked and just enjoyed nature. It was a most relaxing and gratifying weekends for all attendees.  For dinner we were served a spectacular tofu spinach/kale lasagna, pesto potato bake, garden salad and vegan carrot cake (with tofu "cream cheese" frosting). That night, under a star-filled sky, we roasted vegan marshmallows over a roaring bonfire (many of us sandwiched them between graham crackers and dark chocolate for incredible s'mores). The next morning, all the campers rose to a beautiful day and fresh fruit, juice, Mill Pond bread with spreads, granola and soymilk. A great start to any day!  Incidentally, all the meals were prepared with loving attention by Misty Flahie, our gourmet cook. Although she was assisted at times by Meriam Corcoran, she did all the cooking for free and accepting only love offerings. Misty was brilliant and we owe her a tremendous debt of gratitude.  We would also like to thank Clark Tibbits and his mother Margie for hosting, Kerrie Saunders, Matt and Lori Hackett, Jerry and Flo Schneble, Meriam Corcoran and all the others that pitched in and gave a hand where needed. You all made this Retreat such a joy! Based on the comments from participants, it was a huge success and everyone, including the kids, is looking forward to another VIM Retreat.

Suzy Says- How easy is it to go vegan? S. G. Sikora
Susankay's Vegan Kitchen- Chilled Summer Gazpacho Susan Kline
Englandgal's Book Pick- Gail C. Watson

News Archives

VIM's public outreach & Events

Veggies In Motion will have a display at Oakland Community
College Royal Oak Campus. 739 South Washington.
(248) 246-2400. For the entire month of September!

9/2, Thursday, 7 PM, Raw Food Potluck & Food Demo: Quick Sesame Milk - Learn how to make this simple dairy substitute. Bring your favorite raw dish to share, Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia. Contact Flo or Jerry 313-541-0162.

9/4, Saturday, 7 PM, VIM Dinner Club, Amici's Pizza, 3249 W. 12 Mile Road (btwn Coolidge & Greenfield on the south side), Come and enjoy any of 3 delicious whole wheat crust VEGAN pizzas'! New outdoor cafe dining in the back. RSVP Roger, his email address is or call him at 586-755-9633

9/8, Wednesday, 1 PM, "Achieving Optimal Health" with Jim Corcoran, President of Veggies In Motion, Jewish Community Center, 15110 Ten Mile, Oak Park, Free and Open to All, Info 248-559-1500.

9/8, Wednesday, 7 PM, "Food For Life" plant-based food class, healthy food for you and the planet, Warren Community Education, Registration 586-574-3207 (Cooking Demo on 9/15).

9/10, Friday, 7 PM, VIM, Mugs & Jugs, Come out and have some fun at Plush Pockets on Dequendre between 11 and 12 Mile (next to Krogers). Dine on a vegan burger and shoot some pool or just shoot the breeze. Peter: address.

9/10, 9/11 & 9/12, Friday, Saturday & Sunday, "Food For Life" lecture and cooking demo with Jim Corcoran, President of Veggies In Motion, Sierra Club's Mackinaw Chapter Annual Fall Retreat, Camp Miniwanca on Lake Michigan in Shelby, 517-332-5346 or

9/11, Saturday, 11 AM - 11 PM, VIM Tabling Event, The Last Party of the Year: Dally in the Alley! This is one of the only non-corporate sponsored community festivals in the United States. Near Forrest and Third in Detroit.

9/11 & 9/12, Saturday 10 am to 6 pm & Sunday 11 am to 5 pm, VIM Tabling Event, Michigan Organic Harvest Festival, Al-Mar Orchard, Flushing (near Flint), FREE, Info, contact 810-659-8414 or

9/14, Tuesday, 7 PM, Veggies In Motion board meeting in Madison Heights. Members are welcome to attend. For directions call (248) 616-9676.

9/13, Monday, 7 PM, "Food For Life" plant-based food class, healthy food for you and the planet, Livonia Community Education, Registration 734-744-2602 (Cooking Demo on 9/20)

9/15, Wednesday, 7 PM, "Food For Life" plant-based food class, healthy food for you and the planet, Royal Oak Community Education, Registration 248-588-5050 (Cooking Demo on 9/22)

9/20, Monday, 7 PM, "Food For Life" plant-based food class, healthy food for you and the planet, Wayne County Community College, Registration 734-374-2700 (Cooking Demo on 9/27)

9/22, Wednesday, 1 PM, "Achieving Optimum Health" with Jim Corcoran President of Veggies In Motion, Troy Parks & Rec. Community Center, Free and Open to All, Info 248-524-3484

9/22, Wednesday, 7 PM, "Food For Life" plant-based food class, healthy food for you and the planet, Macomb Community College, Registration
586-498-4000 (Cooking Demo on 9/29)

9/25, Saturday, 9 AM - 6 PM, VIM Tabling Event, Michigan Organic Harvest Festival, Springfield Oaks Park, Davisburg (near Holly), Admission $5, Info, contact 734-362-8339 or

9/26, Sunday, 1 PM, Veggies In Motion Potluck & Video: "Eating" by Michael Anderson. This comprehensive video covers all the deficiencies of the Standard American Diet. Please bring a vegan dish to pass, Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia. Contact Flo or Jerry 313-541-0162

9/27, Monday, 7 PM, "Achieving Optimum Health" with Jim Corcoran President of Veggies In Motion, West Bloomfield Parks and Recreation Building, 4640 Walnut Lake Road (just east of Farmington), Free and Open to All, Information 248-616-9676


9/27, Monday, 7 PM, Erik Marcus author of "Vegan: The New Ethics of Eating" will be talking about, selling & signing his newest book "Meat Market" Troy Public Library (in cooperation with Veggies In Motion), 510 West Big Beaver in the Civic Center complex (located on the north side of Big Beaver between Livernois and I-75). Information 248-524-3538

9/29, Wednesday, 7 PM, George Eisman is considered one of the nation's foremost educators on vegetarian nutrition. Trying to lose weight? Unsure how to navigate food labels? Can't tell if your diet is meeting your nutritional needs? Learn to understand the foods you eat and their impact on long-term health. Auburn Hills Public Library (in cooperation with Veggies In Motion), 3400 East Seyburn Drive (off University Drive or N. Squirrel Rd). Information 248-370-9466


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 © 1999-2004 Veggies In Motion



PO Box 71311

Madison Heights, MI 48071

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Veggies In Motion accepts articles from freelance writers. Simply submit to VIM  for review.