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Subj: [AGA] Michigan Goose lottery hunt- Letters 
Date: 8/18/2004 12:48:56 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Source:  All Species Kinship Action

In order to control the local goose population, the Village of Paw Paw is accepting applications for participation in a hunting lottery to hunt on
designated properties owned by the Village of Paw Paw.  For a $10 non-refundable application fee residents of the Village can apply for the
2004 goose seasons. The deadline for all applications is no later than 3:30 pm on 8/20, and the drawing is 8/23.

Trapping, shooting, or removing individual birds is a short-term fix to any perceived problem. So long as a community remains appealing and accessible to geese, more will move in from surrounding areas to fill any newly vacant niche that is created. The only way to effectively and permanently keep waterfowl away from areas where they are not wanted is to make the habitat unattractive or inaccessible to them by implementing an integrated waterfowl-management program, using habitat-modification strategies, repellents, fencing, frightening devices, and reproductive controls such as egg addling.
Several years ago, in response to continual complaints from residents about the local Canada goose population, the Lake Barcroft Property Owners'
Association in Fairfax, Va., employed a 15-point, non-lethal goose-control plan, which includes border collies, addling, the informational Web site, and a team of local teenagers who keep public areas free of feces. The program was so successful that the Fairfax County Parks
Department adopted the program as well.

Please immediately urge the Village of Paw Paw to cancel its plans and to develop and implement effective, non-lethal waterfowl-control programs.

Bradley Noeldner, Village Manager
111 E. Michigan Avenue
Paw Paw, MI 49079
Tel.: 269-657-3148
Fax: (269) 657-7544

John Small, Director of Public Services
Paw Paw Department of Public Services
110 Harry L. Bush Blvd.
Paw Paw, MI  49079
Tel.: 269-657-3169
Fax: (269) 657-7544