There is an exciting new fundraising drive to get a factory-farming commercial on MTV in Ann Arbor Sept 1. 




While billions of land animals suffer in intensive confinement on factory farms, we know that each and every American can save dozens and dozens of animals a year simply by going vegetarian! 


In our experience, we have noticed that when people see what happens behind closed doors, they will not allow it to continue- they will open up their hearts and minds to a more compassionate diet.


That is why we must bring the images of suffering to THOUSANDS OF COLLEGE STUDENTS this fall.


Protecting Animals, USA needs your support to air a new, 30-second version of our commercial on SIX COLLEGE CAMPUSES, beginning September 1 on MTV. 


We will bring this new commercial to six of the largest college markets in the country:


-ANN ARBOR, MI: University of Michigan

-BLOOMINGTON, IN: Indiana University

-BOSTON, MA: Boston University, Boston College, Harvard, MIT

-BOULDER, CO: University of Colorado

-PHILADELPHIA, PA: University of Pennsylvania
-COLLEGE PARK, MD: University of Maryland



WHY COLLEGE TOWNS?  Because college students are one of the most open-minded segments of the population.  


Our experience shows that college students have been many of our most enthusiastic respondents to our other outreach efforts. On campuses, new ideas are nurtured and debated, vegetarian options are often abundant, and parents are no longer dictating food choices. 


Last year, PA-USA aired the commercial in Chicago, Champaign-Urbana, and in Connecticut, where hundreds of viewers responded with requests for VegStarter Kits!  And many wrote to say THEY HAVE GONE VEGETARIAN, saving countless animals!  


Our goal is to reach as many college students as we can, airing the commercial on MTV from September 1 to November 1.  We can’t reach these students without your help! The same, very generous donor who matched your donations last year has again pledged to double every dollar we raise- this time up to a whooping $20,000!!!


Donate now and double the difference you make!


See the Commercial:

All donations made to PAUSA *by September 1* will go toward the commercial.
The animals are counting on all of us to help!

Danielle Marino

Protecting Animals, USA
P.O. Box 60904

Chicago, IL 60660
(773) 338-3038

P.S. Each commercial will reach hundreds of open-minded students.  This semester, let’s inspire them to go vegetarian, donate now: