I received the following letter and was hoping someone out there would have some ideas on how to help this nice lady. I could use some help on this one. Thanks in advance. Keith Varady.
Gail Nowicki  ( RedHeadAlive@yahoo.com ) has visited your GreenPeople listing: Fighting for Animal Rights and the Environment (F.A.R.E.)
http://www.greenpeople.org/searchResults.cfm?memid=15654  and is emailing you the following:
To Whom it concerns,
I know of a homestead up north in Port Austin, or Hume Township where over the years, these particular individuals have had a habit of getting animals, mostly dogs, an occasional horse, and pretty much, chain them up (the dogs), barely give them enough food and water, provide them with no vet care if/when needed, and don't clean up their waste area.  Just a few years back they finally started providing the animals with dog houses for protection mostly in the cold winter months.  However, the animals get the least amount of attention any animal could get and they are never taken off their chains that bind them to a living prison.  Currently,  I know for a fact that they have a horse, whose ribs are apparently showing and the water is not consistent and the animal has not shelter from the weather and is penned up in a 12x12 wire gating with half of it's area not filled with it's own waste because they have not cleaned up the area and I'm sure they  will now, so the horse has a 6x6 feet area to move around.  It is not taken out, walked, or any kind of attention other then maybe when they come to change the water or give it some hay.  Otherwise, the horse is completely ignored.  I also know of a black animal, not sure what it is, that was on the property but makes no noise, wondering if maybe it's too sick to bark, etc...  It may even be dead as we speak.  The police in the past have been notified and they do very little and there is no organization that helps animals in distress up in that area.  Could you please help me out??  Currently, my mother is working with the city board to get something done and as far as I know a letter has been sent to the property from the city to remove the animal because that area is not coded for a horse.  However, these people are very good at getting around laws and wait until it's absolutely necessary to do something before they do so and comply.  Is there anything you can do to help me with this ongoing situation?
Please email me back!  Thanks, Gail.
"All that breathes is precious.  Who is to say that the suffering of an animal is less worthy of solace than the pain of man?  The spark of life is no dimmer simply because it is encased in fur or leather!"
Fighting for Animal Rights and the Environment.
PO Box 828
Perry, Michigan 48872
Founder, Keith Varady
"When animals and the environment suffer, people suffer." KMV.
FARE: http://hometown.aol.com/earthforceunited/FARE.html
Animal Rights & the Environment / AOL: http://groups.aol.com/pixiesanimals?mmch_=0