Scott, hi.
If you could post the message below, I'd appreciate it.
Black & white 6-week-old sibling kittens--"Thelma" and "Louis" when they're acting up (or "Gracie" and "George" when they're being comical)--need a great home or a home with a successful fosterer.
Neighborhood kids asked us to take them in, so, of course, we did.
Given the orphans that are permanently with us as companions--and given that these two will probably outlive us--we can't keep them.
We took them to our veterinarian today. They're in good health, but are still too young for their inoculations.
We're in the Rochester-Troy area.
Interested adopters or fosterers should email me--John Simecek--at 
< >.
Thanks Scott.
--John Simecek
Faculty Advisor
Student for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Oakland  University
Rochester MI