248) 616-9676 |
VIM, PO. Box PO Box 71311, Madison Heights, MI 48071 |
News For Life
VIM's Retreat & Workshop. Sign-up Now!
"Veggies In Motion invites you to a weekend of fun and education! Join us on August 7th and 8th for a wonderful time in Columbiaville (10 miles NW of Lapeer) at the Tibbits Nature Sanctuary and Land Stewardship Center. There will be food, classes, hikes, canoeing, games, camping, pond swimming, bonfire and more."...follow the link for the rest.Atkins "Nightmare" Diet Dr. Michael Greger
'When Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution was first published, the President of the American College of Nutrition said, "Of all the bizarre diets that have been proposed in the last 50 years, this is the most dangerous to the public if followed for any length of time."...follow the link for the rest.Unbound Compassion Clark Tibbits
"Nicole did not choose to be with Matt for lack of better options. Her talent and beauty could have taken her life in many exciting and rewarding directions, but she chose to devote herself to the person who needed her most."...follow the link for the rest.VIM's Response To The Oakland Press Article Jim Corcoran
"The Sunday article on our organization, Veggies In Motion and vegetarianism in general was well written, but is in need of some clarification. The American public has over twice as many nutritional deficiencies in their diets as vegans do."...follow the link for the rest.Operation Prairie Storm Doug Moss
"Habitat is altered to deliberately maximize deer numbers, so claims of their “overpopulation” are largely self-fulfilling prophecy. In other cases, wildlife is stocked or trapped and transplanted to hunting areas. Habitat is “managed,” for sure...through the use of burning and clear cutting, flooding and draining—and the destruction of natural predators so that the hunters can instead have the “game” animals."...follow the link for the rest.Susankay's Vegan Kitchen- Portobello Steaks Susan Kline
Englandgal's Book Pick-Cooking Naturally for Pleasure and Health Gail C. WatsonVeggies In Motion's Garage Sale is a great success!- VIM's first garage sale has added much needed funds for our outreach projects. Many thanks go to Michelle Brown and her mother Edith for hosting, coordinating, donating and working the sale for us. We would also like to thank Wendy Jones, Ralph Thomas, Florence Schneble, Jerry Schneble, Meriam Corcoran, Jim Richardson, Peter Fulda, Roger Beauchemin, Jenney Gordon and Cyndi Summers for their donations and/or volunteer work. I hope I haven't missed anyone. If I have, please let me know. We look forward to working with many new people on projects like this in the future.
VIM has a new feature on our homepage at www.veggiesinmotion.org Now you can scroll down to the bottom of the page and do a search of our site. For instance, if you want to find "vegan pizza" just enter that information, in quotes, into the box and press search. Your results will arrive shortly and you can then access that information. This should be a convenient tool for anyone looking for specific information.
From Wendy- FYI, this may be old news but I found Dr. Praeger burgers at the Kroger at Maple and Woodward (in the "natural" section). Also, Entenmann's has come out with a new line of yummy cookies that appear to be vegan. They look suspiciously like some Keebler cookies -- fudge stripes and such (peanut butter/choc and mint/choc). Enjoy.
Veggies In Motion will have a display at the Clawson Blair
Memorial Library
416 North Main Street. (248) 588-5500. (Main St. North of 14 Mile Rd.) for the
entire month of August!
08/05, Thursday, 7:30 PM, VIM raw food potluck, Food Demo: Cool Cucumber Soup. Perfect to serve for your summer guests. Fast easy & attractive. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia. Contact Jerry or Flo at (313) 541-0162.
08/07 & 08/08, Saturday and Sunday, Join VIM for a Retreat & Workshop in Columbiaville (10 miles NW of Lapeer) at the Tibbits Nature Sanctuary and Land Stewardship Center. There will be food, classes, hikes, canoeing, games, camping, pond swimming, bonfire and more. Additional information on webpage www.veggiesinmotion.org/holiday
08/13, Friday, 7 PM, VIM, Mugs & Jugs, Come out and have some fun at Plush Pockets on Dequendre between 11 and 12 Mile (next to Krogers). Dine on a vegan burger and shoot some pool or just shoot the breeze. Peter: peter.fulda *at us.bosch.com address or call 248-515-3367.
08/14, Saturday, 7 PM. VIM Dinner Club. We will meet at Don Pablos, 33355 Van Dyke, Sterling Heights. North of 14 Mile on the West side of the road. RSVP Roger, his email address is rajgoly *at yahoo.com or call him at 586-755-9633
08/22, Sunday, 1 PM, VIM - Unity of Livonia. Vegetarian Potluck and Video: “Eating for Maximum Weight Loss” by Dr. John McDougall. Explains 8 Steps to Change Your Life and demonstrates great tasting fat free recipes. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia. Contact Jerry or Flo at (313) 541-0162.
08/25, Wednesday, 4PM, VIM is tabling at Southfield's "Senior Appreciation Night" at Burgh Park (Civic Center and Burgh Roads) For more information call 248-796-4654.
08/28, Saturday, Noon, Veggies In Motion “Potluck in the Park”. Located at the Starr Park’s East pavilion in Royal Oak. Bring a vegan dish. Face painting for children and Ice cream social. Cost $2. For more info. 248-544-4702 or email batondame *at hotmail.com
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