Dear Activist:

It has come to our attention that one of the things that is really needed in the animal advocacy movement is a Who's Who listing that is maintained by those who promote the movement. There are listings on the web of AR notables, but most of these listings are on anti-AR websites, and the information given is often negative. I would like to remedy that.

Therefore, with your help, our group is planning on compiling a list of animal advocates for website access. This listing will be on the Animal Rights Online website, and will offer new activists not only contact information to those that can help them in their particular interest, but will also let them see how many people feel the same way they do about animals and about specific issues. This idea actually came about when one of my newer staff members kept asking me who people are that are listed on the

AR2002 program by their last name only. That brought us to the realization that an AR Who's Who would be of benefit to all.

In order to do this, we need your help so we have accurate information. The following questions are just guidelines, and we hope you will add any other brief info that our questions may not cover.

1. Your name
2. Your email address
3. [Optional] Your postal address and/or phone number (for safety - no home addresses please)
4. Your group affiliation (s)
5. Your group or personal website address (animal advocacy or vegetarian related only)
6. List the interests you are active in (i.e., fur, circus, veganism, hunting, etc.)
7. List a brief recap of your contributions to animal advocacy and/or animal protection/care
8. List any books you have written.
9. Other facts that might be of interest to the reader.

Thank you for your time and participation in this exciting new project. Also note that we always welcome opinion and informational articles for our newsletter "Animal Writes."

Warmest Regards,

Susan Roghair -

Animal Rights Online
P O Box 7053
Tampa, Fl 33673-7053

Advisory Board Member, Animal Rights Network Inc.,

not-for-profit publisher of The Animals' Agenda Magazine