In honor of those who lost their lives or were maimed in the attacks of September 11th, VIM and Great Lakes IPBN have held off sending out the announcement about the 4th annual (Metro Detroit area) Favorite Vegetarian Restaurant contest. We don’t know what the future will hold, but for now it is time to attempt to get back to some semblance of life as usual.

As you may already know, October is Vegetarian Awareness Month. There are a number of related events around that time as well.* In honor of these events, the fourth annual Favorite Vegetarian Restaurant Award contest in now underway. Please submit your votes by October 7th.

The rules have changed to include recognition for vegetarian efforts of otherwise non-vegetarian establishments. There are now three contests in one:

1) favorite vegetarian restaurant,
2)favorite vegetarian dish at any restaurant, vegetarian or not, and
3) favorite vegetarian burger.

You can vote for up to 3 favorite vegetarian restaurants (restaurants with primarily vegetarian fare) on the VIM (Vegans in Motion) restaurant site - Just click on the icon next to your first choice restaurant. An e-mail message to VIM will pop-up. Just send that message to enter your vote. Do the same two more times for your second and third choices.

You can enter the other two more contests by writing to VIM and stating your choice. Either click on the e-mail icon at the bottom of that same page, or write to <>.

*October - Reverence for Life Month (International Vegetarian Union,

October 1 - World Vegetarian Day

October 2 - World Day for Farm Animals - Gandhi's Birthday

October 4 - Birthday of St. Francis, Patron Saint of Animals

October 15 - United Nations World Food Day

October 15-21 - Feed the World Week (Food for Life,

October 16 - World Food Day, also Anti-McDonald's Day

October 24 - United Nations Day

November 1 - World Vegan Day

November 25 - International Meatless Day


Maida Waldner Genser for the Great Lakes Region IPBN (Institute for Plant Based Nutrition at Any posts from me may be freely distributed. If you know of anyone else who might like to be placed on this mailing list, please ask them to write to me at

To join a mailing lists for local AR news and events, contact MFHSAA (Michigan Federation of Humane Societies and Animal Advocates) at