(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Request Report: Failure Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Organisation Report)
This report contains overall statistics.
(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7-day period ending
29-Oct-2004 21:25).
Successful requests: 4,868 (1,315)
Average successful requests per day: 158 (187)
Successful requests for pages: 831 (228)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 27 (32)
Failed requests: 86 (72)
Redirected requests: 46 (29)
Distinct files requested: 148 (65)
Distinct hosts served: 178 (52)
Data transferred: 106.905 megabytes (30.950 megabytes)
Average data transferred per day: 3.480 megabytes (4.421 megabytes)
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Request Report: Failure Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Organisation Report)
This report lists the activity in each month.
Each unit () represents 150 requests
or part thereof.
month: reqs: pages: --------: ----: -----: Sep 2004: 214: 16:Busiest month: Oct 2004 (4,654 requests).Oct 2004: 4654: 815:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Request Report: Failure Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Organisation Report)
This report lists the activity in each week.
Each unit () represents 40 requests
or part thereof.
week beg.: reqs: pages: ---------: ----: -----: 26/Sep/04: 429: 78:Busiest week: week beginning 3/Oct/04 (1,394 requests).3/Oct/04: 1394: 184:
10/Oct/04: 895: 154:
17/Oct/04: 835: 187:
24/Oct/04: 1315: 228:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Request Report: Failure Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Organisation Report)
This report lists the activity in each day.
Each unit () represents 15 requests
or part thereof.
date: reqs: pages: ---------: ----: -----: 29/Sep/04: 107: 15:Busiest day: 27/Oct/04 (419 requests).30/Sep/04: 107: 1:
1/Oct/04: 77: 55:
2/Oct/04: 138: 7:
3/Oct/04: 124: 7:
4/Oct/04: 319: 4:
5/Oct/04: 144: 2:
6/Oct/04: 73: 8:
7/Oct/04: 267: 92:
8/Oct/04: 214: 35:
9/Oct/04: 253: 36:
10/Oct/04: 73: 32:
11/Oct/04: 153: 71:
12/Oct/04: 222: 27:
13/Oct/04: 23: 0:
14/Oct/04: 16: 0:
15/Oct/04: 176: 1:
16/Oct/04: 232: 23:
17/Oct/04: 137: 108:
18/Oct/04: 123: 17:
19/Oct/04: 156: 2:
20/Oct/04: 163: 39:
21/Oct/04: 256: 21:
22/Oct/04: 0: 0: 23/Oct/04: 0: 0: 24/Oct/04: 0: 0: 25/Oct/04: 224: 72:
26/Oct/04: 206: 82:
27/Oct/04: 419: 14:
28/Oct/04: 247: 14:
29/Oct/04: 219: 46:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Request Report: Failure Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Organisation Report)
This report lists the total activity for each day of the week, summed over all the weeks in the report.
Each unit () represents 20 requests
or part thereof.
day: reqs: pages: ---: ----: -----: Sun: 334: 147:Mon: 819: 164:
Tue: 728: 113:
Wed: 785: 76:
Thu: 893: 128:
Fri: 686: 137:
Sat: 623: 66:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Request Report: Failure Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Organisation Report)
This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.
Each unit () represents 15 requests
or part thereof.
hour: reqs: pages: ----: ----: -----: 0: 154: 47:1: 98: 57:
2: 58: 11:
3: 74: 11:
4: 175: 18:
5: 77: 69:
6: 213: 115:
7: 107: 8:
8: 48: 19:
9: 99: 14:
10: 161: 0:
11: 293: 67:
12: 213: 6:
13: 432: 46:
14: 280: 23:
15: 492: 18:
16: 185: 16:
17: 418: 19:
18: 222: 14:
19: 146: 9:
20: 376: 76:
21: 233: 61:
22: 201: 95:
23: 113: 12:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Request Report: Failure Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Organisation Report)
This report lists the files on the site.
Listing files, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: last time: file ----: ------: ---------------: ---- 2730: 86.66%: 29/Oct/04 18:30: /~mvb/4seatbuggy02 128: 0.29%: 28/Oct/04 23:25: /~mvb/ 33: 0.07%: 25/Oct/04 22:13: /~mvb/?N=D 110: 0.16%: 29/Oct/04 13:13: /~mvb/ebay/ 40: 0.06%: 26/Oct/04 20:53: /~mvb/ebay/?N=D 74: : 29/Oct/04 04:05: /~mvb/Cait/Cait.txt 68: 1.06%: 29/Oct/04 06:58: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0808_40_20.jpg 63: 0.13%: 8/Oct/04 02:16: /~mvb/puppy/week8/MVC 63: : 8/Oct/04 03:50: /~mvb/puppy/week16/MVC 60: 0.10%: 29/Oct/04 14:18: /~mvb/wedding/ 57: 0.17%: 20/Oct/04 22:57: /~mvb/puppy/index.htm 56: : 9/Oct/04 13:51: /~mvb/puppy/week9/MVC 53: 0.05%: 29/Oct/04 08:44: /~mvb/graphics/ 30: 0.03%: 25/Oct/04 22:37: /~mvb/graphics/?S=A 16: 0.02%: 1/Oct/04 05:10: /~mvb/graphics/?M=A 48: : 9/Oct/04 13:43: /~mvb/puppy/week13/Dcp_0274_web_70.jpg 46: 0.09%: 20/Oct/04 23:46: /~mvb/puppy/month6.htm 43: 0.04%: 29/Oct/04 05:57: /~mvb/Cait/ 14: 0.01%: 27/Oct/04 06:13: /~mvb/Cait/?S=A 12: 0.01%: 29/Oct/04 05:57: /~mvb/Cait/?M=A 43: 0.07%: 27/Oct/04 04:12: /~mvb/puppy/month8.htm 40: 0.13%: 28/Oct/04 20:29: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0781_40_20.jpg 38: 0.07%: 9/Oct/04 08:27: /~mvb/puppy/week11/MVC 37: 0.05%: 29/Oct/04 17:35: /~mvb/spitfire/ 16: 0.02%: 7/Oct/04 21:19: /~mvb/spitfire/?D=A 34: 0.14%: 27/Oct/04 04:12: /~mvb/puppy/week9/Mvc 33: 0.06%: 21/Oct/04 02:36: /~mvb/puppy/week9.htm 31: 0.07%: 21/Oct/04 01:20: /~mvb/puppy/week13.htm 31: 0.13%: 28/Oct/04 13:01: /~mvb/puppy/month8/Pb110013a_small.jpg 30: 0.13%: 21/Oct/04 09:04: /~mvb/73sportster/sporty.htm 29: 0.01%: 26/Oct/04 00:33: /~mvb/puppy/week11.htm 28: : 9/Oct/04 10:39: /~mvb/puppy/week11/Mvc 28: 0.96%: 27/Oct/04 18:06: /~mvb/puppy/month8/Pc250051_web_30H.jpg 27: 0.72%: 26/Oct/04 00:31: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0829_40_20.jpg 27: 0.04%: 27/Oct/04 04:02: /~mvb/puppy/graphics/yhr_bones.gif 26: 0.21%: 27/Oct/04 04:12: /~mvb/puppy/month8/Pc250052_small.jpg 25: 0.39%: 19/Oct/04 20:16: /~mvb/puppy/month8/Pc250055_web_30.jpg 25: 0.01%: 6/Oct/04 05:50: /~mvb 25: 0.03%: 25/Oct/04 22:09: /~mvb/stats/ 19: 0.03%: 17/Oct/04 05:52: /~mvb/stats/?S=A 25: 0.13%: 27/Oct/04 04:12: /~mvb/puppy/month8/Dscn0147_small.jpg 24: 0.11%: 12/Oct/04 09:06: /~mvb/73sportster/ 23: 0.20%: 28/Oct/04 07:34: /~mvb/puppy/month8/Pc250007_web_30H.jpg 22: 0.02%: 29/Oct/04 16:13: /~mvb/tensioner/ 22: 0.21%: 29/Oct/04 01:01: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0822_40_20.jpg 22: 0.05%: 28/Oct/04 07:46: /~mvb/puppy/month8/Pc250055_small.jpg 22: 0.76%: 28/Oct/04 22:09: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0785_40_20.jpg 20: 0.06%: 28/Oct/04 12:54: /~mvb/puppy/month8/Dscn0145_small.jpg 20: 0.73%: 21/Oct/04 09:04: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0807_40_20.jpg 19: 0.01%: 29/Oct/04 03:57: /~mvb/const.htm 18: 0.49%: 12/Oct/04 12:17: /~mvb/spitfire/DSCN1192_web.jpg 18: 0.03%: 7/Oct/04 21:17: /~mvb/puppy/week8.htm 18: 0.08%: 16/Oct/04 14:03: /~mvb/puppy/month6/Dscn0179_small.jpg 17: 0.09%: 28/Oct/04 01:05: /~mvb/puppy/graphics/mirror.gif 16: : 9/Oct/04 15:31: /~mvb/puppy/week13/Dcp_0277_web_70.jpg 15: 0.07%: 27/Oct/04 16:16: /~mvb/puppy/month8/P1010044a_small.jpg 15: 0.01%: 9/Oct/04 06:54: /~mvb/puppy/week13/DCP_0247_small.jpg 14: : 9/Oct/04 08:28: /~mvb/puppy/week13/DCP_0261_small.jpg 14: 0.41%: 29/Oct/04 00:20: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0836_40_20.jpg 13: 0.07%: 16/Oct/04 14:29: /~mvb/puppy/month6/Dscn0172_small.jpg 13: 0.01%: 8/Oct/04 23:10: /~mvb/puppy/week13/DCP_0265_small.jpg 12: 0.07%: 27/Oct/04 04:02: /~mvb/puppy/month8/Dscn0144_small.jpg 12: 0.35%: 28/Oct/04 18:51: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0844_40_20.jpg 11: 0.01%: 27/Oct/04 04:12: /~mvb/puppy/graphics/paws.gif 11: 0.25%: 29/Oct/04 00:27: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0835_40_20.jpg 11: 0.17%: 28/Oct/04 15:06: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0823_40_20.jpg 9: 0.22%: 28/Oct/04 16:30: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0783_40_20.jpg 9: 0.20%: 4/Oct/04 18:01: /~mvb/puppy/month6/DSCN0177_web_40.jpg 9: : 8/Oct/04 03:10: /~mvb/puppy/week8/Mvc 9: 0.08%: 27/Oct/04 04:02: /~mvb/puppy/sounds/puppy.wav 9: 0.11%: 28/Oct/04 20:15: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0827_40_20.jpg 9: 0.03%: 27/Oct/04 04:02: /~mvb/puppy/ 8: 0.26%: 26/Oct/04 00:31: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0782_40_20.jpg 8: 0.19%: 29/Oct/04 02:53: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0778_40_20.jpg 8: 0.16%: 28/Oct/04 17:29: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0814_40_20.jpg 7: 0.16%: 27/Oct/04 04:02: /~mvb/puppy/graphics/3demail.gif 6: 0.01%: 8/Oct/04 22:36: /~mvb/puppy/week13/DCP_0254_small.jpg 6: 0.01%: 18/Oct/04 04:40: /~mvb/ebay/signs/ 6: 0.12%: 16/Oct/04 14:29: /~mvb/puppy/month6/DSCN0168_web_40.jpg 6: 0.03%: 28/Oct/04 12:33: /~mvb/puppy/month8/Pc250007_small.jpg 6: 0.09%: 29/Oct/04 02:05: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0787_40_20.jpg 6: 0.15%: 21/Oct/04 09:04: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0779_40_20.jpg 6: 0.02%: 27/Oct/04 22:28: /~mvb/puppy/month8/Dscn0146_small.jpg 6: 0.05%: 12/Oct/04 00:04: /~mvb/73sportster/BLKMARBLE.gif 6: 0.04%: 27/Oct/04 15:45: /~mvb/puppy/month8/Pc250051_small.jpg 5: 0.03%: 27/Oct/04 04:12: /~mvb/puppy/month8/P1010043a_small.jpg 5: 0.16%: 28/Oct/04 20:47: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0843_40_20.jpg 5: 0.02%: 27/Oct/04 04:12: /~mvb/puppy/month8/Pb110029a_small.jpg 5: 0.14%: 29/Oct/04 05:32: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0788_40_20.jpg 4: 0.03%: 16/Oct/04 14:29: /~mvb/puppy/month6/Dscn0168_small.jpg 4: 0.14%: 21/Oct/04 09:04: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0813_40_20.jpg 4: 0.07%: 28/Oct/04 05:36: /~mvb/puppy/month8/P1010043a_web_30H.jpg 4: 0.03%: 16/Oct/04 14:29: /~mvb/puppy/month6/Dscn0165_small.jpg 4: 0.01%: 8/Oct/04 23:21: /~mvb/puppy/week13/DCP_0285_small.jpg 4: 0.07%: 29/Oct/04 00:34: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0831_40_20.jpg 4: 0.12%: 21/Oct/04 09:27: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0839_40_20.jpg 4: : 8/Oct/04 23:33: /~mvb/puppy/week13/Dcp_0286_web_70.jpg 4: 0.02%: 26/Oct/04 00:31: /~mvb/73sportster/Harley 4: 0.10%: 28/Oct/04 18:57: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0815_40_20.jpg 4: : 9/Oct/04 06:53: /~mvb/puppy/week13/Dcp_0255_web_70.jpg 4: 0.06%: 19/Oct/04 20:16: /~mvb/puppy/month8/Pb110029a_web_30.jpg 3: 0.02%: 16/Oct/04 14:29: /~mvb/puppy/month6/Dscn0176_small.jpg 3: 0.02%: 16/Oct/04 14:29: /~mvb/puppy/month6/Dscn0173_small.jpg 3: 0.01%: 11/Oct/04 11:57: /~mvb/sweden/ 3: 0.09%: 21/Oct/04 09:27: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0830_40_20.jpg 3: 0.02%: 16/Oct/04 14:29: /~mvb/puppy/month6/Dscn0177_small.jpg 3: 0.07%: 29/Oct/04 05:40: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0784_40_20.jpg 3: 0.01%: 21/Oct/04 01:52: /~mvb/puppy/week16.htm 3: 0.04%: 19/Oct/04 20:16: /~mvb/puppy/month8/Pb110013a_web_30H.jpg 3: 0.08%: 21/Oct/04 09:27: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0828_40_20.jpg 2: 0.07%: 16/Oct/04 13:40: /~mvb/puppy/month8/Pc250052_web_30H.jpg 2: 0.01%: 9/Oct/04 00:32: /~mvb/puppy/week13/DCP_0279_small.jpg 2: 0.01%: 9/Oct/04 17:32: /~mvb/puppy/week13/DCP_0276_small.jpg 2: : 9/Oct/04 17:32: /~mvb/puppy/week13/Dcp_0285_web_70.jpg 2: 0.04%: 9/Oct/04 14:26: /~mvb/puppy/week13/Dcp_0279_web_70.jpg 2: 0.01%: 4/Oct/04 18:00: /~mvb/puppy/month6/Dscn0178_small.jpg 2: 0.10%: 8/Oct/04 18:35: /~mvb/stats/mvb.html 2: 0.08%: 21/Oct/04 09:04: /~mvb/73sportster/DSCN0811_40_20.jpg 2: 0.01%: 16/Oct/04 14:03: /~mvb/puppy/month6/Dscn0175_small.jpg 2: 0.04%: 4/Oct/04 18:00: /~mvb/puppy/month8/P1010044a_web_30H.jpg 1: 0.02%: 29/Sep/04 13:15: /~mvb/puppy/month6/DSCN0176_web_40.jpg 1: : 8/Oct/04 19:12: /~mvb/puppy/week13/Dcp_0251_web_70.jpg 1: : 9/Oct/04 00:11: /~mvb/puppy/week13/Dcp_0265_web_70.jpg 1: : 9/Oct/04 09:07: /~mvb/puppy/week13/Dcp_0254_web_70.jpg 1: 0.01%: 29/Sep/04 13:15: /~mvb/puppy/week13/DCP_0252_small.jpg 1: 0.01%: 4/Oct/04 18:00: /~mvb/puppy/month6/Dscn0166_small.jpg 1: 0.02%: 29/Sep/04 13:15: /~mvb/puppy/month6/DSCN0175_web_40.jpg 1: : 9/Oct/04 01:11: /~mvb/puppy/week13/Dcp_0252_web_70.jpg 1: 0.01%: 29/Sep/04 13:15: /~mvb/puppy/week13/DCP_0270_small.jpg 1: 0.01%: 29/Sep/04 13:15: /~mvb/puppy/week13/DCP_0257_small.jpg 1: : 8/Oct/04 23:20: /~mvb/puppy/week13/Dcp_0261_web_70.jpg
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Request Report: Failure Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Organisation Report)
This report lists the files that caused failures, for example files not found.
Listing files, sorted by the number of failed requests.
reqs: file ----: ---- 30: /~mvb/ATC/3demail.gif 15: /~mvb/links1.htm 11: /~mvb/Jerseyshore2002/ 8: /~mvb/ATC/ 4: /~mvb/ATC/forsale.htm 4: /~mvb/puppy/month8/DSCN0144_web_20.jpg 2: /~mvb/4seatbuggy02 2: /~mvb/forsale.htm 2: /~mvb/puppy/month8/DSCN0145_web_20.jpg 2: /~mvb/sponsors.htm 1: /~mvb/signs/ 1: /~mvb/team.htm 1: /~mvb/buggy/ 1: /~mvb/vehicl1.htm 1: /~mvb/mrbs.htm 1: /~mvb/holley/
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Request Report: Failure Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Organisation Report)
This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)
Listing directories, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: directory ----: ------: --------- 4843: 99.99%: /~mvb/ 1111: 4.65%: /~mvb/puppy/ 402: 7.32%: /~mvb/73sportster/ 117: 0.04%: /~mvb/Cait/ 116: 0.17%: /~mvb/ebay/ 60: 0.10%: /~mvb/wedding/ 55: 0.54%: /~mvb/spitfire/ 53: 0.05%: /~mvb/graphics/ 27: 0.13%: /~mvb/stats/ 22: 0.02%: /~mvb/tensioner/ 3: 0.01%: /~mvb/sweden/ 25: 0.01%: [root directory]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Request Report: Failure Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Organisation Report)
This report lists the extensions of requested files.
Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: extension ----: ------: --------- 3050: 87.02%: [no extension] 836: 10.92%: .jpg [JPEG graphics] 520: 0.90%: [directories] 309: 0.64%: .htm [Hypertext Markup Language] 68: 0.34%: .gif [GIF graphics] 2: 0.10%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language] 83: 0.08%: [not listed: 2 extensions]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Request Report: Failure Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Organisation Report)
This report lists the organisations of the computers which requested files.
Listing organisations, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: organisation ----: ------: ------------ 687: 1.32%: 65.54 540: : yahoo.com 270: 10.29%: 213.42 221: 2.14%: rr.com 203: 6.18%: comcast.net 173: 4.16%: direcpc.com 133: 1.36%: wideopenwest.com 123: 0.03%: inktomisearch.com 121: 0.27%: alexa.com 114: 3.48%: swbell.net 104: 3.86%: bellsouth.net 95: 0.97%: ameritech.net 84: 1.46%: ford.com 82: 2.82%: aol.com 78: 2.37%: 12 71: 2.80%: af.mil 64: 2.29%: adelphia.net 62: 1.82%: wyeth.com 61: 1.47%: mnp.com 57: 1.65%: sbs.de 57: 2.05%: cox.net 56: 2.21%: frontiercorp.com 56: 1.71%: 207.109 51: 1.84%: o1.com 51: 1.66%: dsl-verizon.net 47: 1.69%: msn.com 47: 1.79%: algx.net 43: 1.25%: 192.195 42: 1.64%: tds.net 42: 1.48%: 144.147 41: 1.57%: optonline.net 37: 0.05%: 66.249 36: 1.26%: charter.com 35: 0.93%: cushwake.com 34: 1.28%: 205.204 33: 1.25%: nbed.nb.ca 33: 1.18%: knology.net 32: 0.63%: pacbell.net 32: 1.06%: twgames.com 26: 1.05%: 167.127 25: 0.86%: 68.191 25: 0.91%: charterpipeline.net 24: 0.85%: 148.186 24: 0.88%: 70 23: 0.83%: navy.mil 23: 0.49%: 199.90 22: 0.85%: 65.196 22: 0.77%: 63.172 21: 0.76%: msln.net 20: 0.72%: newsouth.net 20: 0.72%: sprint-hsd.net 20: 0.57%: sover.net 20: 0.45%: sympatico.ca 19: 0.69%: elltel.net 19: 0.26%: sigecom.net 19: 0.67%: rogers.com 16: 0.43%: tmodns.net 16: 0.60%: 192.110 16: 0.51%: cablelynx.com 15: 0.50%: attbi.com 15: 0.57%: snet.net 14: 0.49%: edward.org 13: 0.45%: 167.7 13: 0.44%: insightbb.com 12: 0.36%: nextgentel.com 12: 0.03%: googlebot.com 12: 0.41%: eurorscg.com 11: 0.11%: 207.242 11: 0.37%: adams.net 11: 0.40%: 195.229 11: 0.33%: megapath.net 10: 0.33%: interbusiness.it 10: 0.36%: level3.net 10: 0.33%: goodrich.com 9: 0.29%: popsite.net 8: 0.29%: army.mil 8: 0.26%: fuse.net 7: 0.24%: midmaine.com 7: 0.24%: telepacific.net 6: 0.20%: covad.net 5: 0.02%: monmouth.com 5: 0.17%: htc.net 5: 0.16%: gru.com 5: 0.17%: 199.44 5: 0.17%: infoave.net 5: 0.19%: dngr.net 4: 0.03%: 64.80 4: 0.13%: digitalrealm.net 4: 0.13%: 207.179 4: 0.13%: adamswells.com 4: 0.15%: 129.230 3: 0.06%: ntd.net 3: 0.02%: verizon.net 3: 0.12%: webtv.net 3: 0.09%: uu.net 3: 0.02%: mc.videotron.ca 2: 0.03%: claria.com 2: : looksmart.com 2: 0.02%: cozadtel.net 1: : 166.156 1: : cnc.net 1: : lmco.com 1: 0.03%: speakeasy.net
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Request Report: Failure Report: Directory Report: File Type Report: Organisation Report)